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Post #320841  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:09 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:52 pm
Posts: 13487

bubblechris wrote:
The report I read also said Arsenal could win the Premiership.

Believe what you want........

Some people still believe the earth is flat. Brexit is another flat earth society. No manner of facts, science or reason will persuade these people. It's a cult. For morons. People normalise lies and fiction to support their decision.

If your Doctor gives you a diagnosis you wouldn't yell "fake news" or "project fear" at him. Likewise when scientists, trade bodies, heads of industry, academics, trade unions, teachers, doctors, Police chiefs explain why Brexit is a bad idea, many do the same.

Just daft.

There's a man who's been out sailing in a decade full of dreams

Post #320842  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:36 am 
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Posts: 11163

Interesting interview with Per Mertesacker in the Guardian. Leaves me with the firm impression that if the scouts spot the right young talent and they join, he is the right person to positively shape their characters. Apart from anything else, in ensuring they have some humility. A lack of which can only do a youngster harm in my view. ... of-academy

Post #320843  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:59 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:02 pm
Posts: 8218

Darren wrote:

If your Doctor gives you a diagnosis you wouldn't yell "fake news" or "project fear" at him. Likewise when scientists, trade bodies, heads of industry, academics, trade unions, teachers, doctors, Police chiefs explain why Brexit is a bad idea, many do the same.

First, do no harm.

That’s the first line of the Hippocratic Oath. Primum nil nocere. It’s the first and most important consideration for a Doctor in the treatment and care of a patient. It’s a Doctor’s duty. Do no harm. Simple as.

Is it unreasonable to expect something similar from our leaders, in whose ‘care’ our country finds itself?

Post #320844  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:13 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

long time gooner wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:
.... And still people will read that yellow hammer document and think this is a good idea. Brainwashed to such an extent that they believe this will improve their lives. It won’t and every single person sat on the conservative front bench including Johnson knows it.

Britain is leaving the EU because Boris Johnson wanted to be prime minister. That’s it, there’s not a counter argument for Brexit. There are no statesmen in that political party anymore and the people left after they cleaned house are literally lying criminals.

Brexit is like a shot of Jagermeister for thick people. It really is, and this country is now unable to help itself from the damage it’s doing. This is self mutilation

A couple of days ago I saw a meme saying that : Britain is the first country to declare war on itself - and lose.

That's fake news!

... its not the first.

But it is a very spectacular example of the dictum.

Voting for Brexit is sort of understandable. Its like voting for GW Bush or Hitler once.

But voting for Boris *%^@*** Johnson, which it seems a dangerous number of your fellow lemmings (or is it citizens) are likely to do, is taking it to another level completely.

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320845  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:17 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

bubblechris wrote:
The report I read also said Arsenal could win the Premiership.

Believe what you want........

Can you clarify?
Is 'believe what you want'
a) advice
b) a shrug
c) your tagline and personal philosophy?

If it is c, as your name (Bubble) and output indicate, did you know that you can change the settings to make it a permanent feature at the bottom of your posts?

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320846  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:22 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

bubblechris wrote:
The report I read also said Arsenal could win the Premiership.

Believe what you want........

Exhibit A

Please observe this specimen who is ignoring that the written yellowhammer report was actually published by brexiteers in an increasingly far right brexit government. He doesn’t even believe the people who forced this mess on us in the first place.

Let’s observe the delusion further

Post #320847  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:23 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

DHD wrote:
Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend Parliament has been ruled “improper” and “unlawful” by three senior Scottish judges, who concluded unanimously it had been done with “the purpose of stymying Parliament”. The prorogation was therefore “null and of no effect”.

Every day, new depths are plumbed amid the utter chaos of what used to be the world's most stable and admired democracy in this, the country where I was born and have always lived - the country I thought I knew.

What have we become?

Its terrifying. If democracy fails, what is going to happen? The Handmaid's Tale is looking remarkably prescient.

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320848  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:27 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

Imagine being so engrained in your belief in the lie that you no longer believe the liars who told it.

Utterly bonkers chemtrails flat earth nutters

Post #320849  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:31 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

bubblechris wrote:
The report I read also said Arsenal could win the Premiership.

Believe what you want........

I'm utterly baffled by this post. Did the report you read deal with Brexit and Arsenal prospects? Did it link the likelihood of Arsenal winning the league and Brexit? How exactly? What else did it touch on? Area 51? The moon landing? The Kennedy assassinations? Hillary's emails?

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320850  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:35 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

Chemtrail conspiracy theorists are less crazy than brexiteers. At least you can see a trail following the plane.

Post #320851  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:39 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

Gaz from Oz wrote:
Decaf wrote:
Warner is just a bad egg. Intensely unpleasant arrogant jerk. I suspect he doesn't lack guts, just humility.

I'm very glad that Smith has redeemed himself.

Then Warner looks like an angel compared to this football player ... 6e0ed3074e

"The court gave him a jail sentence of two years and eight months but he will not actually serve any time behind bars unless he commits another crime in the next five years."

Wow. You'd think shooting gun in a hospital would get actually jail time ... but of course he is a Barca player so ..

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320852  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:02 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

Decaf wrote:
bubblechris wrote:
The report I read also said Arsenal could win the Premiership.

Believe what you want........

I'm utterly baffled by this post. Did the report you read deal with Brexit and Arsenal prospects? Did it link the likelihood of Arsenal winning the league and Brexit? How exactly? What else did it touch on? Area 51? The moon landing? The Kennedy assassinations? Hillary's emails?

It’s bonkers but understandable.

You have had 25 years of Social engineering through media and politicians programming people that the problems and negative aspects of their lives in the UK are because of immigration. Then all of a sudden a moment is provided with where they can put a stop to these problems in an instant by making a radical decision even if it is a lie.

If you have a lower IQ or are incapable of independent critical thinking to see through this then your a prime candidate to support Brexit.

A mate of mine working high in insurance said once he believed 50% of people in the UK have such low IQ or intelligence that they are incapable of writing a coherent written letter. A sweeping generalisation but I can kind of agree with it.

That’s how this happened and nothing I see surprises me anymore. No amount of facts figures or evidence can reverse a 25 year project to separate people. It’s a Paul verhovehan movie

Post #320853  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:11 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

TOP GUN wrote:
Decaf wrote:
I'm utterly baffled by this post. Did the report you read deal with Brexit and Arsenal prospects? Did it link the likelihood of Arsenal winning the league and Brexit? How exactly? What else did it touch on? Area 51? The moon landing? The Kennedy assassinations? Hillary's emails?

It’s bonkers but understandable.

You have had 25 years of Social engineering through media and politicians programming people that the problems and negative aspects of their lives in the UK are because of immigration. Then all of a sudden a moment is provided with where they can put a stop to these problems in an instant by making a radical decision even if it is a lie.

If you have a lower IQ or are incapable of independent critical thinking to see through this then your a prime candidate to support Brexit.

A mate of mine working high in insurance said once he believed 50% of people in the UK have such low IQ or intelligence that they are incapable of writing a coherent written letter. A sweeping generalisation but I can kind of agree with it.

That’s how this happened and nothing I see surprises me anymore. No amount of facts figures or evidence can reverse a 25 year project to separate people. It’s a Paul verhovehan movie

It doesn't surprise any more but it still shocks.
I don't think it is a matter of IQ so much as political and economic (macro, not micro) stupidity, implanted by a system that has brainwashed people. I would not be surprise if, after people get tired of conspiracy theories and dumbed-down post-modernism, there is a religious revival in the UK, of the ghastly fascism-compatible sort that has swept cracker-land in the USA and many parts of Africa. Minds wiped clean of meaningful ideological constructs are wide open to ideological infections of this sort.

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320854  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:14 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

Decaf wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:

It’s bonkers but understandable.

You have had 25 years of Social engineering through media and politicians programming people that the problems and negative aspects of their lives in the UK are because of immigration. Then all of a sudden a moment is provided with where they can put a stop to these problems in an instant by making a radical decision even if it is a lie.

If you have a lower IQ or are incapable of independent critical thinking to see through this then your a prime candidate to support Brexit.

A mate of mine working high in insurance said once he believed 50% of people in the UK have such low IQ or intelligence that they are incapable of writing a coherent written letter. A sweeping generalisation but I can kind of agree with it.

That’s how this happened and nothing I see surprises me anymore. No amount of facts figures or evidence can reverse a 25 year project to separate people. It’s a Paul verhovehan movie

It doesn't surprise any more but it still shocks.
I don't think it is a matter of IQ so much as political and economic (macro, not micro) stupidity, implanted by a system that has brainwashed people. quote]

Nah these people are thick ! How can you have millions of pro Britain Remainers protesting and no trouble but 400 odd brexiteers can fight and cause chaos around Westminster.

It’s not nice to think it or say it but the majority of these guys are complete spanners

Post #320855  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:36 am 
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Decaf wrote:
Gaz from Oz wrote:
Then Warner looks like an angel compared to this football player ... 6e0ed3074e

"The court gave him a jail sentence of two years and eight months but he will not actually serve any time behind bars unless he commits another crime in the next five years."

Wow. You'd think shooting gun in a hospital would get actually jail time ... but of course he is a Barca player so ..

Should have got a sentence that imposed actual time to serve. Famous people seem to never have to answer for their actions. Its not like that he is a Prince or anything.

If this policy does not deliver then I would say we have to change it.
AW 150810

Post #320856  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:51 am 
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dec wrote:
Niall wrote:
He's not that popular in the Republic but he's done, along with Coveney, a great job on Brexit. So far. If he gets a good deal for Ireland, north and south, I think he'll be rewarded with another term.

Lots of rumours tonight the NI only backstop is back on - rebranded. Of course May would have already agreed to that had she had the numbers and hadn't done a shifty deal with the DUP who have gone very quiet.

No deal, and a border poll will be held in the next few years with EU membership the big carrot for a unity vote in Ireland.

A unity vote in Ireland would have to include the south too and might not get a huge amount of support. Culturally it makes sense but the economy in Northern Ireland is a challenge and a half. Lots of people down here are happy with the post Good Friday Agreement situation. Of course, it's not great for you guys when your two main parties are so extreme.

Hey Dec, yeah, a vote would be held in both parts of the island as per the GFA. Recent polling in the south had a healthy number in favour of unity. Yesterday, Lord Ashcroft published a poll with 51% in favour of unity in the north. I have never seen unity in the lead before.

There's a growing movement amongst civic nationalists to begin the political push for unity as the task for the next generation. Finally end the partition of our island. Check out the Think32 page on twitter.

I doubt most people in the south are aware of the anger amongst the nationalist population regarding the unionists/DUP/British government's approach to Brexit - alongside DUP scandals and continuing begrudgery towards the Irish identity in the north. Many are disillusioned with Stormont. It's had its day and in current circumstances I'd be content with it never returning.

It's a terrible love and I'm walking with spiders.

Post #320857  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:21 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

TOP GUN wrote:
Decaf wrote:

It doesn't surprise any more but it still shocks.
I don't think it is a matter of IQ so much as political and economic (macro, not micro) stupidity, implanted by a system that has brainwashed people. quote]

Nah these people are thick ! How can you have millions of pro Britain Remainers protesting and no trouble but 400 odd brexiteers can fight and cause chaos around Westminster.

It’s not nice to think it or say it but the majority of these guys are complete spanners

Just caught something on Al Jazeera on the antivaxers ... coming round to your view.

For example, one of their arguments is that their great-grandparent didn't have vaccines and they survived. QED. :laughing7: :laughing7: :8angers:

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320858  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 1:21 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:36 pm
Posts: 3793

In other news... Rob Holding has been declared got to play again. Bernard can trumpet his view that He is clearly over rated by some and something Mustafi something something.

Post #320859  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 1:52 pm 
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Ash wrote:
In other news... Rob Holding has been declared got to play again. Bernard can trumpet his view that He is clearly over rated by some and something Mustafi something something.

No mention of DHD, who has said similar, and before me? I’m pleased he’s fit again, despite him being overrated by some.

Post #320860  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:20 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

Decaf wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:
It doesn't surprise any more but it still shocks.
I don't think it is a matter of IQ so much as political and economic (macro, not micro) stupidity, implanted by a system that has brainwashed people. quote]

Nah these people are thick ! How can you have millions of pro Britain Remainers protesting and no trouble but 400 odd brexiteers can fight and cause chaos around Westminster.

It’s not nice to think it or say it but the majority of these guys are complete spanners

Just caught something on Al Jazeera on the antivaxers ... coming round to your view.

For example, one of their arguments is that their great-grandparent didn't have vaccines and they survived. QED. :laughing7: :laughing7: :8angers:


My grandmother survived the blitz, therefore I have no problems with the Germans bombing the British mainland. Happy Christmas folks

Post #320861  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:41 pm 
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Bernard wrote:
Interesting interview with Per Mertesacker in the Guardian. Leaves me with the firm impression that if the scouts spot the right young talent and they join, he is the right person to positively shape their characters. Apart from anything else, in ensuring they have some humility. A lack of which can only do a youngster harm in my view. ... of-academy

I always liked Per, a humble man

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #320862  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:03 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:02 pm
Posts: 8218

Bernard wrote:
Ash wrote:
In other news... Rob Holding has been declared got to play again. Bernard can trumpet his view that He is clearly over rated by some and something Mustafi something something.

No mention of DHD, who has said similar, and before me? I’m pleased he’s fit again, despite him being overrated by some.

As I recall, there seemed to be a view that Holding would solve our defensive problems when he returned. I said that I didn't think Holding had shown enough in his relatively few appearances for us to be cast in the role of our 'saviour'.

I'm pleased he's fit but I'm just not convinced he's as quite as good as some people think. I hope he proves me wrong.

Post #320863  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:15 pm 
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DHD wrote:
Bernard wrote:
No mention of DHD, who has said similar, and before me? I’m pleased he’s fit again, despite him being overrated by some.

As I recall, there seemed to be a view that Holding would solve our defensive problems when he returned. I said that I didn't think Holding had shown enough in his relatively few appearances for us to be cast in the role of our 'saviour'.

I'm pleased he's fit but I'm just not convinced he's as quite as good as some people think. I hope he proves me wrong.

I feel exactly the same way about Holding. As I mentioned earlier, I’m also delighted he’s fit. But as you imply, based on his performances so far he’s not as good as some make out.

Post #320864  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 4:51 pm 
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DHD wrote:
Bernard wrote:
No mention of DHD, who has said similar, and before me? I’m pleased he’s fit again, despite him being overrated by some.

As I recall, there seemed to be a view that Holding would solve our defensive problems when he returned. I said that I didn't think Holding had shown enough in his relatively few appearances for us to be cast in the role of our 'saviour'.

I'm pleased he's fit but I'm just not convinced he's as quite as good as some people think. I hope he proves me wrong.

Indeed. I expressed the same reservations. Holding is a promising young defender. No more. He certainly hasn't looked like an outstanding talent. Let's hope he comes back in good shape and take his game up a few levels.

"I just kept going pretty lively. Them killers wasn't too healthy company."

Post #320865  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:00 pm 
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Niall wrote:
dec wrote:

A unity vote in Ireland would have to include the south too and might not get a huge amount of support. Culturally it makes sense but the economy in Northern Ireland is a challenge and a half. Lots of people down here are happy with the post Good Friday Agreement situation. Of course, it's not great for you guys when your two main parties are so extreme.

Hey Dec, yeah, a vote would be held in both parts of the island as per the GFA. Recent polling in the south had a healthy number in favour of unity. Yesterday, Lord Ashcroft published a poll with 51% in favour of unity in the north. I have never seen unity in the lead before.

There's a growing movement amongst civic nationalists to begin the political push for unity as the task for the next generation. Finally end the partition of our island. Check out the Think32 page on twitter.

I doubt most people in the south are aware of the anger amongst the nationalist population regarding the unionists/DUP/British government's approach to Brexit - alongside DUP scandals and continuing begrudgery towards the Irish identity in the north. Many are disillusioned with Stormont. It's had its day and in current circumstances I'd be content with it never returning.

Hi Niall. A resurgent SDLP would be a far more palatable development in the eyes of most in the south. When it comes to the DUP, I think most people down here who have a real interest in Northern Ireland just think they are bunch of nut jobs. They display a degree of blind stubbornness that is from a different generation.

I think you are dead right on Stormont. It has been suspended for so long that it has become almost irrelevant. They way the two sides couldn't agree on the most minor matters was embarrassing.

"I just kept going pretty lively. Them killers wasn't too healthy company."

Post #320866  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:06 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:36 pm
Posts: 3793

Bernard wrote:
Ash wrote:
In other news... Rob Holding has been declared got to play again. Bernard can trumpet his view that He is clearly over rated by some and something Mustafi something something.

No mention of DHD, who has said similar, and before me? I’m pleased he’s fit again, despite him being overrated by some.

My apologies Bernard I’d missed DHD’s comments on Holding, I guess he could make it more memorable by throwing in a Mustafi mention. Not to critique others posts too much.

As a serious point I’m not sure anybody cast Holding as any sort of saviour, I think they simply placed him ahead of Mustafi in their estimation.

Post #320867  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:32 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

TOP GUN wrote:
Decaf wrote:
Just caught something on Al Jazeera on the antivaxers ... coming round to your view.

For example, one of their arguments is that their great-grandparent didn't have vaccines and they survived. QED. :laughing7: :laughing7: :8angers:


My grandmother survived the blitz, therefore I have no problems with the Germans bombing the British mainland. Happy Christmas folks

The increase in life expectancy to over 80 in countries like the UK is a completely unrelated issue ... if it isn't fake new that is.

Like Spurs winning the league in 1961. That NEVER happened. That's why we so seldom see images of it. And the images we do see were obviously done in a studio.

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320868  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:44 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

Arsenal posted a video of Tierney and Bellerin making some extremely robust challenges in training. Bellerin seems to have taken Tierney under his wing. Wonder if it will be long till we see them together.

*please note this may not have happened so Believe what you want......

Post #320869  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 8:07 pm 
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Ash wrote:
As a serious point I’m not sure anybody cast Holding as any sort of saviour, I think they simply placed him ahead of Mustafi in their estimation.

Come off it. He has been more than simply placed ahead of Mustafi. Jesus wept, we’ve even got someone here that reckons we could find better than Mustafi in the Conference, the fifth tier. I’ve not heard anyone suggest we could find better than Holding in the fourth tier, which of course we couldn’t. But nor could we find better than Mustafi in the Conference but someone still argues that.

Post #320870  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:19 pm 
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Ceballos being very positive about his start at the club. ... -1.4016329

Some great stories floating around about things being positive at the club. Lets hope it continues.

If this policy does not deliver then I would say we have to change it.
AW 150810

Post #320871  Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:32 pm 
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Was looking at a streaming site and happened by a British show some of you probably heard of called "The Capture" and episode 1, there is a court scene and one of the witnesses for the defense is a video expert and when asked when one of his career highlights said "The 1991 FA Cup Final, Tottenham vs Nottingham Forest" and was asked "Tottenham fan, are we?" :1laughter:

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #320872  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:08 am 
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Sorry Mustafi, I would pick Holding ahead of you.

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #320873  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:45 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
Posts: 16570

Bernard wrote:
Ash wrote:
In other news... Rob Holding has been declared got to play again. Bernard can trumpet his view that He is clearly over rated by some and something Mustafi something something.

No mention of DHD, who has said similar, and before me? I’m pleased he’s fit again, despite him being overrated by some.

Bernard, do you think people are overrating him in the sense that they are just jumping to conclusions prematurely about him and that we should wait and see, or do you actually not rate him?

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #320874  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 5:58 am 
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AmericanGooner wrote:
Was looking at a streaming site and happened by a British show some of you probably heard of called "The Capture" and episode 1, there is a court scene and one of the witnesses for the defense is a video expert and when asked when one of his career highlights said "The 1991 FA Cup Final, Tottenham vs Nottingham Forest" and was asked "Tottenham fan, are we?" :1laughter:


Post #320875  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 6:44 am 
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Decaf wrote:
Bernard, do you think people are overrating him in the sense that they are just jumping to conclusions prematurely about him and that we should wait and see, or do you actually not rate him?

Most definitely the first of the two possibilities you mention. To be honest I wonder if some people might support him simply because he isn’t Mustafi. Apologies to him if I’m wrong but Ash gave me that impression yesterday.

Post #320876  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 6:47 am 
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HoddGooner wrote:
Bernard wrote:
Interesting interview with Per Mertesacker in the Guardian. Leaves me with the firm impression that if the scouts spot the right young talent and they join, he is the right person to positively shape their characters. Apart from anything else, in ensuring they have some humility. A lack of which can only do a youngster harm in my view. ... of-academy

He’s been a brilliant appointment Bern
Always available to help, and attends EVERY academy signing.
Is very keen to ensure that player development includes development as a person as well as a player.
The atmosphere around Hale End is amazing at present, a vast improvement from before. He is promoting a much more cohesive approach, with everyone’s contribution properly valued.
I hope he is in charge for a long time.

Thanks for that Hodd. Great news.

Post #320877  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 6:57 am 
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HoddGooner wrote:
Bernard wrote:
Interesting interview with Per Mertesacker in the Guardian. Leaves me with the firm impression that if the scouts spot the right young talent and they join, he is the right person to positively shape their characters. Apart from anything else, in ensuring they have some humility. A lack of which can only do a youngster harm in my view. ... of-academy

He’s been a brilliant appointment Bern
Always available to help, and attends EVERY academy signing.
Is very keen to ensure that player development includes development as a person as well as a player.
The atmosphere around Hale End is amazing at present, a vast improvement from before. He is promoting a much more cohesive approach, with everyone’s contribution properly valued.
I hope he is in charge for a long time.

That is really great to hear.

If this policy does not deliver then I would say we have to change it.
AW 150810

Post #320878  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:06 am 
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As for the Holding debate: I think at the moment he would be selected ahead of Mustafi, who IMO has lost all confidence.

But after an injury will Holding make it. It will be after 20 games we will know if he could develop into what we want. Other managers start looking at tapes for his weaknesses and he can’t respond then we will know. Chambers looked like a world beater when he started & he is well behind Mustafi at present. Luiz has done nothing to suggest he is better than Mustafi at present so I think the whole backline presently playing look suspect. I hope Holding is the next great central defender but much too early to call at this time.

If this policy does not deliver then I would say we have to change it.
AW 150810

Post #320879  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:42 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

Holding is better than Mustafi and Mertesacker.


Post #320880  Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:56 am 
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TOP GUN wrote:
Holding is better than Mustafi and Mertesacker.


In order to retain credibility, hopefully you’ve still got time to edit your post and delete the bit where you say Holding is better than Mertesacker.

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