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Post #291961  Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:15 pm 

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Posts: 18701

Northbank Memories wrote:
Yesterday was the 11th GE since I could vote. The worse in my memory.

We used to have politicians canvass for our votes, like them or loath them they did represent us. They came around letting us know what they will be doing for you. You either looked at how it would benefit you or the bigger picture (maybe both) and vote. Now it's all about Don't vote for thema s they will do this or that. Wish they would stick to their own policies and stop debunking other parties.

OK! A few comedy programmes would take the rise out of them as they would most famous people, but today they are all ridiculed all the time. You cannot go on Facebook or Twitter without someone having the piss ripped out of them.

They mostly have no respect for voters and in turn voters lack respect for them. Labour has a vote for a leader and many of their party did not want him. Yet though he did not win, he did make a go of it. May was voted to replace Cameron, now might be a target for the Tory party to be replaced. These people as supposed to represent us but have trouble picking a leader.

What actually good did last nights result do for the country, on what some call an extraordinary night? What was extraordinary about a hung parliament.

There is no debate on social media just a load of anger, hate, outrage. Someone makes a comment, some reply, then the outrage on what they have said, the hate, the abuse follows. It's not for me actually doing anyone any good. TV debates, again just a load of shouting.

Where are we actually going. Social networking could be good, but No! let's just try to shut down and shout down those that disagree with us.

Would have rather had either party win with a majority than all this poxy politics hanging around like a bad smell.

Ok a few comments on this (some you may not like but I'm sorry)

I agree with a lot that you have wrote here but the reality is as an electorate we haven't learned a single bit. Not one iota

We've had years now of scots independence ref, 2 elections and brexit now and each one has been grossly mis managed by the tories and yet still people still wish to retain their governance because they can't see beyond the facade, media control, lust for power and hate tactics. Its mental, the outright anger and hate is being caused by the perma state of instability and people are *%^@*** sick of it. That's why labour gained seats yesterday. If it's a problem and you don't like it, don't keep voting them back in.

I'm hardly a fan of Corbyn who I consider a flawed character but frankly the hate starts with the tories ..... lands at the feet of the poor and disabled and spews out its not from him.

People still can't identify the damage that is being done.

We are the electorate. We are getting the future we deserve.

Post #291962  Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:25 pm 

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Olivier scores a beauty, top right hand corner Sweden 0 France 1.

Post #291963  Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:06 pm 

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London belongs to Labour.

Labour have taken Kensington.


Post #291964  Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:29 pm 
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Post #291965  Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:36 pm 
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bubblechris wrote:
London belongs to Labour.

Labour have taken Kensington.


Just wondering if that's a message from the rich?

It's a terrible love and I'm walking with spiders.

Post #291966  Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:47 pm 
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bubblechris wrote:
Olivier scores a beauty, top right hand corner Sweden 0 France 1.

Lloris goes full blown Spursy and gifts Sweden a winner in hilarious fashion, great finish notwithstanding

"I just kept going pretty lively. Them killers wasn't too healthy company."

Post #291967  Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 9:48 pm 

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john1 wrote:
kiwipete wrote:
:laughing7: IF are referring to the Comey testimony I couldn't give a toss , the way I see it Americans are a braindead race of people hell bent on starting World War 3 .

It doesn't matter who is in charge they would still walz around meddling in other countries affairs because they have the military muscle .

Jeez kiwi, stop making me want to vote for you!!
Kiwi for Prez!!

and might I say I've always appreciated your wisdom John ... the vice presidency is yours .

Can't see the British and Irish Lions having too much joy on their current tour . A more punishing schedule couldn't be imagined
Playing the five super 15 sides , the NZ Maoris plus three tests against the All Blacks .

Even though they have a squad of 41 , there's going to be some battered bodies returning to the train wreck that is Britain .

How's things in the valleys ...?

One of the sons has returned home after 17 years in Ozzie .... I won't be surprised to see him unpacking some concrete floor foundations and a hot water cylinder such is the scale of gear arriving .

Post #291968  Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:33 pm 
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old man of hoy wrote:
grantyboy wrote:

You're witnessing the demise of the existing political systems. Politicians are *%^@ and everyone knows it. They're not smarter or better, nor can they make better decisions. People have access to far information than they did previously and whether it's factual or fiction will make judgement based on what they think (or are led to think). He who controls the information controls the people and In an increasingly fragmented information domain, politicians become almost irrelevant.
I don't think so. We have just had the first election in years where it feels like politics matters. What seems to have happened in this UK election is that people have not found all the politicians irrelevant. Corbyn's relative success is based in part on people thinking he does believe in what he is saying. Which they find refreshing. That he is so clearly not a media creation, like say Blair, Cameron and Clegg, has won him support, especially amongst younger voters.

Your point about who controls the information controls people, has not played over here this time. The opinion polls widely touted May as a landslide leader who would smash the Labour heartlands. Corbyn was said to have no chance at all. For years he has continually been belittled by the press in particular, some broadcasters and his opponents, yet that has meant nothing in the social media world where much of his younger support lies. Rather than being negative about politics maybe we should applaud the fact that he has not been done by the power brokerss, like the hapless Miliband before him?

Like Harlow I'm also long in the tooth over General Elections, but I can't share his rather strange view that they should not be political!

And that is kind of my point. The traditional media don't control the media or narrative anymore and have a rapidly diminishing control of the information. Social media, tweens, retweets, Facebook, blogs, forums etc are providing huge amounts of information so people who make up their own mind. I think a future is coming where policies will increasingly be decided by popular vote via digital referendums and people are going to listen less and less to what politicians are saying.

Post #291969  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:28 am 
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warrior wrote:

:icon_mrgreen: :1laughter: :14laughter: :15laughter:

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #291970  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:30 am 
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lomekian wrote:
Never thought I'd see it...not as big of course, but in a little way its almost an Obama moment of seemingly prior implausibility.

But this country is totally polarised. Most of the big cities are Labour ruled now, and a few medium sized ones. The Tories own most of the small towns, disgruntled commuter belt, countryside and farming country, and all the retarded backwaters of this nation stuck in a feudal mindset.

Similar to here. Even in the south, the large cities are Democrat, our version of Labour but far more incompetent and spineless, if either attribute can be accused of your Labour, I wouldn't know.

The red states are rural states by and large. However, gentrification is now a realism here and the urban areas are getting moderate Republican mayors. The traditional urban people (black and latino) are now being forced in to ghetto suburbs (Ferguson, Missouri where the protests occurred is such an example, the people were formerly of St. Louis).

You guys seem just almost as polarized as we are. UKIP being your version of our Alt right (which is misnamed, they were neo nazis till about 8 or 9 years ago, and went through a self re-branding for recruitment purposes).

I wonder if Europe will go the same? Or they are there already?

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #291971  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:07 am 
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kiwipete wrote:
john1 wrote:

Jeez kiwi, stop making me want to vote for you!!
Kiwi for Prez!!

and might I say I've always appreciated your wisdom John ... the vice presidency is yours .

Can't see the British and Irish Lions having too much joy on their current tour . A more punishing schedule couldn't be imagined
Playing the five super 15 sides , the NZ Maoris plus three tests against the All Blacks .

Even though they have a squad of 41 , there's going to be some battered bodies returning to the train wreck that is Britain .

How's things in the valleys ...?

One of the sons has returned home after 17 years in Ozzie .... I won't be surprised to see him unpacking some concrete floor foundations and a hot water cylinder such is the scale of gear arriving .

All reasonably good over here thanks Pete. I was a little inebriated (in fact a lot inebriated) when I replied to your comment. Now I'm sober, I agree with you even more!

I was out celebrating the Tories not getting the stunning majority they were hoping for. I am now a little more hopeful that the austerity agenda of punishing the less well off, and those less able to represent themselves, and who haven't had a voice in the debate, (a situation caused by free market economic policies gone mad) can now be modified a lot and the voices of those who have suffered disproportionately will start to be heard. "All in it together" - what a joke.
Not convinced by Corbyn, but I reckon he's not influenced by whispers in his ear from those that are NOT elected to represent us, the vested interests that have way too much influence at the higher levels of government. Many of his policies are attractive to me, and I've been surprised by how many people I spoke to in the pub last night (in a relatively affluent area) who agreed.
My partner has MS; she volunteers for the MS society as a counsellor, and she often tells me stories of people with severe disabilities and financial problems who have been told they no longer qualify for state support. She also hears similar stories through her connections with others in the voluntary sector.
It's time to stop making the less well off in our society bear the brunt of austerity. Austerity as practised by the Tories will never end, and will only exacerbate the gap between rich and poor. We are supposedly the 5th richest economy in the world, and we are telling people who cannot walk that they're on their own, "no state support buddy, you're capable of working for your living". But where are the jobs for them, even if they could work?
Time for change.

Sorry for the rant; I've just realised I'm still a bit tiddly.

Gorau chwarae cyd chwarae

Post #291972  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:37 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18701

lomekian wrote:
bubblechris wrote:
London belongs to Labour.

Labour have taken Kensington.


The Tories own most of the small towns, disgruntled commuter belt, countryside and farming country, and all the retarded backwaters of this nation stuck in a feudal mindset.

So true

Post #291973  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:54 am 

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The UK idea of democracy is as retarded as the US model.
You people truly are morons.

Post #291974  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:13 am 
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True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
The UK idea of democracy is as retarded as the US model.
You people truly are morons.

who the *%^@ are you...

Half a non binary lager, please

Post #291975  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:02 am 

Abu wrote:
True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
The UK idea of democracy is as retarded as the US model.
You people truly are morons.

who the *%^@ are you...

The electoral systems in various democracies were possibly decided long before the majority of the population had any say in deciding it, even if the population at the time it was introduced had any say in it. There are probably pros and cons with all electoral systems. I wonder if those that individuals favour may often have more to do with them perceiving it as benefiting the party they support than anything else?

Post #291976  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:03 am 

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True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
The UK idea of democracy is as retarded as the US model.
You people truly are morons. it the Zionists?

Wake up, Sheeple!

Post #291977  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:51 am 
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The Giroiud back of the heel goal should be goal of the season hands down.
This one for France is pretty darn good as well. ... this-year/

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #291978  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:02 am 
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Anyway, its going to be interesting (possibly scary) what the next few years will be like with the political shifts going on. Especially in the German election.

Germany fought two world wars trying to rule Europe and eventually did it without firing a shot. Oh the irony.

The election of #45 (for those us who refuse to say the word President and that real estate guy's name in the same sentence) tells the world something important. It tells the world that with his election that America has abdicated its role in the world. Any nation, that can elect/select such a person with the stature of America's political, military and economic might has ceded it's leadership. Even if we eventually elect a more sober minded leader, the fact that the potential to elect such a person and the scary number of people who would ignore all reason, morals and sanity to elect such a person suggests to me we were posers all along. It explains the two wars in Asia.

My advice in the short term for Europe and our allies is to wait him out. Do the best you can till re-election and pray he is out by then or is so unpopular he won't get re-elected. And if he is re-elected, write America off behind the scenes while engaging as best you can because global issues continue.

China must be loving this. It quickens their rise. My fear is that we do what we always do when we have a a major problem: start a war else where. Since WW2 we have never gone a decade without some foreign war. Ironically enough Reagan's '80s, the Reagan the left at the time would start WW3, being the most peaceful (Panama and Granada).

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #291979  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:10 am 
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Football still goes on, this summer may be the most expensive in transfers ever by some distance, with the amount of money being banded about.
Morata to Man Utd seems to be taking hold. I was hoping we could have gotten him on loan a few years ago. ... 83116.html

So, should we try for the big Swede that Man Utd released as a gap fill for a season if we can't get a striker?

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #291980  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 10:23 am 
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True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
The UK idea of democracy is as retarded as the US model.
You people truly are morons.

Welcome to the forum. To quote Gaz from Oz, thankyou for your feedback. You *%^@.

Post #291981  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 11:53 am 

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bromley gooner wrote:
True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
The UK idea of democracy is as retarded as the US model.
You people truly are morons.

Welcome to the forum. To quote Gaz from Oz, thankyou for your feedback. You *%^@.


Post #291982  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:05 pm 

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Not much to talk about with the football. Found myself looking at various kits for next season. Home shirts for most clubs don't change but designers seem to go a bit crazy with some of the away and 3rd shirts. I quite like the Arsenal ones but Man U's away and 3rd kit are awful.

Also, next season's fixtures are out next Wednesday

Post #291983  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:13 pm 

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lomekian wrote:
grantyboy wrote:

And that is kind of my point. The traditional media don't control the media or narrative anymore and have a rapidly diminishing control of the information. Social media, tweens, retweets, Facebook, blogs, forums etc are providing huge amounts of information so people who make up their own mind. I think a future is coming where policies will increasingly be decided by popular vote via digital referendums and people are going to listen less and less to what politicians are saying.

It is interesting how social media is providing a healthy balance to mainstream media. Most of the papers and TV are disgustingly right wing. Most social media is liberal and left-leaning almost to a fault. The key is that no matter how many sponsored messages the Tories bombard me with on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc, I get infinitely more information from like-minded souls. The key, I guess, is to have enough intelligent contacts with divergent opinions not to just descend into an echo chamber of reflected prejudices.

Make no mistake though, May going after social media in the wake of the terror attacks is like her going after the human rights act. A long established desire for control of people dressed up as protection. Either that, or she is genuinely stupid enough to understand what she says, and thus has absolutely no understanding of how the internet or indeed international law works.

But then her voting record over the last 2 decades has shown she is a paid up member of the 'Nasty Party' she once talked about changing. She makes George effing Osbourne look like a humanitarian.

Yeah. Authority (with the ridiculous exceptions of Trump and Helen Zille) hates social media. During the protest here last year attitude to social media was as clear a marker of class position anything.

Another thing about these elections: contrary to what Harlow is saying, my impression is that the UK's stock in the world has been boosted. The UK and UK politics had become a bit of a nothing ... faded glory, rather like the FA cup.

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #291984  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:14 pm 
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Rich wrote:
Not much to talk about with the football. Found myself looking at various kits for next season. Home shirts for most clubs don't change but designers seem to go a bit crazy with some of the away and 3rd shirts. I quite like the Arsenal ones but Man U's away and 3rd kit are awful.

Also, next season's fixtures are out next Wednesday

Those Man U kits are dreadful. Their 3rd kit is quite remarkable, it is so bad.

Ours might not reach those depths but are pretty manky all the same. That pink effort is horrible. Looks like a shite golf shirt

"I just kept going pretty lively. Them killers wasn't too healthy company."

Post #291985  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:15 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
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bromley gooner wrote:
True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
The UK idea of democracy is as retarded as the US model.
You people truly are morons.

Welcome to the forum. To quote Gaz from Oz, thankyou for your feedback. You *%^@.

True blue gunner gooner?

Do we have a vacancy in the oxymorons & redundancy department?

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #291986  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:15 pm 
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I really hope these paper rumours are a load of nonsense because seriously we would not be stupid enough to sell sanchez to man city.........would we????? Or any english team for that matter.
Arsenal are calling the shots here. Sod what sanchez wants.
If he wants to go its got to be abroad.
Van persie has to be the last.

Post #291987  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:42 pm 

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If City give us Aguero for Sanchez I'd take it. Otherwise no way should we sell to a rival in this country. Wenger already said he'd rather let him go for free next year...of course that means he could go there next year anyway and it would be out of our hands. It wouldn't quite be the same as the RVP situation as we are in a far better financial position now.

Post #291988  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 1:22 pm 
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Sabir wrote:
If City give us Aguero for Sanchez I'd take it. Otherwise no way should we sell to a rival in this country. Wenger already said he'd rather let him go for free next year...of course that means he could go there next year anyway and it would be out of our hands. It wouldn't quite be the same as the RVP situation as we are in a far better financial position now.

Hi Sab
I wondeŕ if wenger would explore that idea. Aguero is more clinical but sanchez all round game is better. Would make sense
I think sanchez is a year younger.
I think if sanchez goes to city tbey win the title

Post #291989  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:26 pm 
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Watching the news, it said over 70% of Brit 18-24 year olds voted. Wish we had that kind of turn out here.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #291990  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:46 pm 
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david.d wrote:
Sabir wrote:
If City give us Aguero for Sanchez I'd take it. Otherwise no way should we sell to a rival in this country. Wenger already said he'd rather let him go for free next year...of course that means he could go there next year anyway and it would be out of our hands. It wouldn't quite be the same as the RVP situation as we are in a far better financial position now.

Hi Sab
I wondeŕ if wenger would explore that idea. Aguero is more clinical but sanchez all round game is better. Would make sense
I think sanchez is a year younger.
I think if sanchez goes to city tbey win the title

I don't think Sanchez would make the difference for them in terms of winning the league. They already have the best attack. Aguero, DeBruyne, Sane, Jesus, Silva and Sterling. Sterling is the only weakness there. Their defence is terrible in comparison.

"I just kept going pretty lively. Them killers wasn't too healthy company."

Post #291991  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:57 pm 
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City has enough attacking its their team defense and back line that needs strengthening or organizing. Kompany can no longer be relied on to stay fit. Yaya is no longer a force.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #291992  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:51 pm 

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Ox scores for England 1-0 then terrible defending allows a free kick goal for Scotland's equaliser. New tactic it seems don't jump or attempt to divert the ball..............

Then they score a second from another free kick.

This time they half heartedly jumped and diverted the ball into the net.

Jesus wept............

Post #291993  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:55 pm 

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Good on ya Arry. Strachan look upset.............

Post #291994  Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:56 pm 

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There goes the ever valuable perfect qualifying record... :24cry:

Post #291995  Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:17 am 

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john1 wrote:
kiwipete wrote:

How's things in the valleys ...?

All reasonably good over here thanks Pete. I was a little inebriated (in fact a lot inebriated) when I replied to your comment. Now I'm sober, I agree with you even more!

I was out celebrating the Tories not getting the stunning majority they were hoping for. I am now a little more hopeful that the austerity agenda of punishing the less well off, and those less able to represent themselves, and who haven't had a voice in the debate, (a situation caused by free market economic policies gone mad) can now be modified a lot and the voices of those who have suffered disproportionately will start to be heard. "All in it together" - what a joke.
My partner has MS; she volunteers for the MS society as a counsellor, and she often tells me stories of people with severe disabilities and financial problems who have been told they no longer qualify for state support. She also hears similar stories through her connections with others in the voluntary sector.
It's time to stop making the less well off in our society bear the brunt of austerity. But where are the jobs for them, even if they could work?
Time for change.

Sorry for the rant; I've just realised I'm still a bit tiddly.

:laughing7: no problem with the rant Johnny Boy that's the beauty of the Gleiber it isn't just your Joe Average " what team are we putting out this week " oh golly I hope Bellerin , Sanchez , Koshielny whoever is fit " type football forum .
The amount of times I've posted on here semi paralytic .

We've all got our cross to bear , my wife has chronic fatigue syndrome , spends her whole day playing Solitaire , checking her geneology , watching Inspector Morse , Lynley , Poirot , Taggart , Mid Summer murders , house makeovers . I do 98% of the cooking cleaning etc ... c'est la vie . Her sister lives in Kent has quite advanced MS

Had some wonderful news yesterday .... we live down a long drive , the house in front caters for some handicapped kids and comes under the auspices of the NZ Housing Corp . Their path is about four feet higher than my drive so when part of this rotten ivy covered fence [ the sod I was trying to deal to with my homegrown weed eater skil saw ] fell over and constitutes a hazard , Housing NZ have decided to rip out about sixty metres of fence , cart it away and build a new wooden one .... with no cost to me .

No more cutting ivy , loading the trailer , trips to the dump .
Usually where a fence is concerned the cost is shared between both parties . :26encouragement: :

Post #291996  Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:43 am 
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kiwipete wrote:
john1 wrote:

All reasonably good over here thanks Pete. I was a little inebriated (in fact a lot inebriated) when I replied to your comment. Now I'm sober, I agree with you even more!

I was out celebrating the Tories not getting the stunning majority they were hoping for. I am now a little more hopeful that the austerity agenda of punishing the less well off, and those less able to represent themselves, and who haven't had a voice in the debate, (a situation caused by free market economic policies gone mad) can now be modified a lot and the voices of those who have suffered disproportionately will start to be heard. "All in it together" - what a joke.
My partner has MS; she volunteers for the MS society as a counsellor, and she often tells me stories of people with severe disabilities and financial problems who have been told they no longer qualify for state support. She also hears similar stories through her connections with others in the voluntary sector.
It's time to stop making the less well off in our society bear the brunt of austerity. But where are the jobs for them, even if they could work?
Time for change.

Sorry for the rant; I've just realised I'm still a bit tiddly.

:laughing7: no problem with the rant Johnny Boy that's the beauty of the Gleiber it isn't just your Joe Average " what team are we putting out this week " oh golly I hope Bellerin , Sanchez , Koshielny whoever is fit " type football forum .
The amount of times I've posted on here semi paralytic .

We've all got our cross to bear , my wife has chronic fatigue syndrome , spends her whole day playing Solitaire , checking her geneology , watching Inspector Morse , Lynley , Poirot , Taggart , Mid Summer murders , house makeovers . I do 98% of the cooking cleaning etc ... c'est la vie . Her sister lives in Kent has quite advanced MS

Had some wonderful news yesterday .... we live down a long drive , the house in front caters for some handicapped kids and comes under the auspices of the NZ Housing Corp . Their path is about four feet higher than my drive so when part of this rotten ivy covered fence [ the sod I was trying to deal to with my homegrown weed eater skil saw ] fell over and constitutes a hazard , Housing NZ have decided to rip out about sixty metres of fence , cart it away and build a new wooden one .... with no cost to me .

No more cutting ivy , loading the trailer , trips to the dump .
Usually where a fence is concerned the cost is shared between both parties . :26encouragement: :

And no more researching how to make a wooden leg in case next time you use the saw you go the whole way through.

Gorau chwarae cyd chwarae

Post #291997  Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:51 am 
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Manchester City set to make Alexis Sanchez their highest-paid star ever

Post #291998  Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:19 am 
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warrior wrote:

I just can't see how we can sell Alexis to City, not without some absurdly over the top transfer fee or getting Aguero in exchange (why would Aguero want to sign for us at his age and with no CL football).

I do not get the hype surrounding Lacazette either, he's not even a starter for France and if he was that good he'd be the first name on the team sheet.

Post #291999  Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:42 am 
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socrates wrote:
warrior wrote:

I just can't see how we can sell Alexis to City, not without some absurdly over the top transfer fee or getting Aguero in exchange (why would Aguero want to sign for us at his age and with no CL football).

I do not get the hype surrounding Lacazette either, he's not even a starter for France and if he was that good he'd be the first name on the team sheet.

Hi Soc

I'd imagine it is just standard transfer rumour bs. The links to Munich make far more sense.

As for Lacazette, he scores lots of goals. Deschamps doesn't seem to rate him, or else he wants a bigger player as a partner for Griezman. Deschamps doesn't play Martial either, and while he has struggled this season, he had a very good 15/16 season but never really nailed down a spot in the French team.

"I just kept going pretty lively. Them killers wasn't too healthy company."

Post #292000  Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:51 am 
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Sanchez wanting out is partially Wenger's fault for putting a side that has no fight in them. We didn't seem like we were progressing. We created our own issue. Clubs sense a weakness and are jumping on it.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

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