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Post #346961  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 7:35 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:02 pm
Posts: 18498

socrates wrote:
I see that Daniel Ek and his consortium are supposedly about to make a £1.8 billion offer to Stan Kroenke for Arsenal. However, I just don't see him selling out unless a significantly bigger offer is made.


So if their starting offer is 1.8 they might anticipate a final offer of around 2.2 ? Assuming they have given themselves 25 percent to negotiate ? They will know the first offer is never accepted.

You never know right ?

The protests need to continue in parallel and I thought Henry’s comments on sky yesterday were telling.

Post #346962  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 7:40 am 

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gooner7 wrote:
socrates wrote:
I see that Daniel Ek and his consortium are supposedly about to make a £1.8 billion offer to Stan Kroenke for Arsenal. However, I just don't see him selling out unless a significantly bigger offer is made.

Such is the value of Arsenal there are a very limited number of parties who could even envisage such a deal, and probably an even smaller number who could do so without massive borrowing. That then begs the question as to where the money would come from if a huge offer was made by an outside party, would they have to borrow heavily (using the club as collateral) and then have to service the debt in the way the Glazers did when they bought Man U? If that was the case would we be any better off?.

I think Daniel is as much a businessman as Stan is. If he buys the club with debt, I don't see us as better off. Arsenal football club becomes a commodity to be traded by businessman to businessman.

You are aware that Kroenke bought Arsenal with a massive loan from Deutsche bank ?

Unless your being bought by a sheik it’s a likely consortium with loans and financing. The problem with Kroenke has never been relating to finances as far as im concerned more so that he’s incompetent doesn’t understand football and tries to make decisions based on his own irrelevant expertise.

Post #346963  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 7:47 am 
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American sports news is pretty accurate. ESPN, Fox Sports, all have former coaches, players, etc. who are well connected and informed with those in the league at every level including the board room.

Rumors are pretty much fact. I notice that every news item about Arsenal possibly up for sale is in the British press. The American sports press only reconfirms that the Kroenke's say they aren't selling.

I think its mostly wishful thinking. If the Kroenke's sell, I'm pretty confident its not because of the present protests both at the stadium and what Man Utd is going through. Stan is detached from the club: physically, even emotionally. We are items on a balance sheet. If he has any emotional attachment its for the Rams (and I doubt that too much). His alma mater's sports program is likely the only team he will give money to that is not business.

So, if he sells its business related reasons. Not because he feel pressured by fans. That could change if the fans totally revolt, but as I said, he sees a long waiting list for season tickets and must conclude, any protests will be symbolic and not affect revenue.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #346964  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:18 am 

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Sadly, I think the last week has shown just how much the EPL is now controlled by American businessmen, and how little they care what we ‘Legacy Fans’ think or do. Despite the weasel-worded apologies (more like justifications in most cases) they don’t care about Government blustering or media condemnation. Despite some of the constituent clubs lagging behind others, the overall profitability of the Big 6 is still heading skywards. They will just keep schtum and tough it out. Never complain; never explain.

The Glazers, Kroenke and Fenway will never sell until such time as it turns a greater profit for them to do so. Currently, if reports are to be believed, Man U is worth about £3.05bn; the Glazers’ long-term vision is to grow that to £7.2bn ($10bn). In business terms, the Glazers have played an absolute blinder and many investors think they are gods. The six Glaziers have paid themselves £100m since 2015 for no particular outlay. That's clever. They certainly won’t be selling or relinquishing control any time soon. Kroenke and Fenway see those numbers and agree that sort of growth is realistic and is eminently deliverable. They are all the legal and legitimate owners of the clubs in question. There is nothing that Stock Exchanges, Governments, the FA, the EPL, UEFA or FIFA can do about it.

They will not be shifted until it suits them.

Post #346965  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:46 am 
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DHD wrote:
...They are all the legal and legitimate owners of the clubs in question. There is nothing that Stock Exchanges, Governments, the FA, the EPL, UEFA or FIFA can do about it. They will not be shifted until it suits them.
Yes, and attempts to kill off the ESL idea by the less-elite Premiership clubs will most likely strengthen the determination of elite clubs to make it happen. From their point of view it is too big of an economic winner to resist in the long run. The box belonging to Pandora was opened back in 1992, never to be closed again.

"Young and caught up in life, we seldom watched the skies.”

Post #346966  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 1:06 pm 
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Usmanov wanted credibility and would have spent to have it. He'd also be easier to remove. He'd want to avoid bad press.

I stopped watching American sports 20 years ago because of men like Kroenke. I knew given time, they'd ruin the sport.

The ESL isn't dead. It's just biding its time to re-appear when the planets align and trust me, it will. in the modern era, the American 1 percent ALWAYS gets its way. Americans waned on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan before Bush ended his presidency. 5 years is the average life span Americans have when it comes to war in terms of the general public's interest. By 2006, even the right wing electorate weren't going to put up a fight if the voices to get out were strong. A big part of Obama's appeal was that he was one of the few souls in the Senate to be against the war when it wasn't the popular thing to do. And being the son of a Kenyan moslem, he was called unAmerican. The fact that we are in both wars for 20 years when its very unpopular shows you just how strong the corporations that made literally trillions off it are.

You think they will give up so easily? I ran off some numbers before. The NFL is in the midst of an 11 year, 89 billion dollar tv deal. A sport that only Americans watch. They have done the math. The EPL is very popular in America as a tv spectator sport. When I first started watching football I was one of maybe 2 or 3 Americans at a British pub in LA, getting up at 4am for noon kick offs, paying a cover charge to watch it via satelite.

Now, its regular tv fare and there are 3 or 4 games on football Saturdays. I'm guessing, if done right, this super league could get at least 10 billion US a season. And I'm being conservative with that number. And I promise you, you will see rule changes not to improve the game but to squeeze every shilling they can out of the game. They will ruin it and make it unrecognizable. I promise you that. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind.

The sports I grew up with watching with the same childhood love that you all had at the same age for The Arsenal and football in general, the sports I love are gone. I can't sit through a whole game. I can't. Uni sports are the last bastions, the 'Maginot line' and they are going the way of their professional brethren.

I'm sad, angry and disgusted. Discovering football as an adult was transformative for me. Especially the English game. I saw other leagues and immediately they couldn't compare to the English version. The Bundesliga and the Eredivisie were decent but nothing came close to the aura of a game. I never, ever thought I could miss an Arsenal match. I had a job that I traveled around the country in 2003-2006. When I got my travel itinerary the first thing I did was look for British or Irish pubs and call them to see if they carried the games. I've missed flights to watch us. I'm not trying sell my Arsenal pedigree. You've all known me for 20 years and know being liked isn't a concern to me. The point is I have missed some games. I've missed league games. It's not just that we aren't as good. I'm not saying it as a fair weather fan. I just see the game changing, I know what kind of owner we have and what little care he has for the club I love dearly.

And we'll be stuck with them for 2 generations. :1cry: I knew no one would understand. US Martin would have understood. Andy Green perhaps. He's been in America long enough. American sports owners these days suck as the young people in LA say. Many years ago, they were similar to football owners. A born and bred local who made it good. Became a millionaire. Was likely on the terraces as a kid and bought his local club out of love and civic duty and understood he was caretaker. He would spend his own money if necessary to make them viable.

Now the EPL has ownership similar to what the NBA and NFL started doing in the 90s. I hope I can find access to Championship (although that is changing) and lower division football on some package. At least the passion and love is still there. At least the owners still seem to care.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #346967  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 1:28 pm 
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TOP GUN wrote:
gooner7 wrote:

I think Daniel is as much a businessman as Stan is. If he buys the club with debt, I don't see us as better off. Arsenal football club becomes a commodity to be traded by businessman to businessman.

You are aware that Kroenke bought Arsenal with a massive loan from Deutsche bank ?

Unless your being bought by a sheik it’s a likely consortium with loans and financing. The problem with Kroenke has never been relating to finances as far as im concerned more so that he’s incompetent doesn’t understand football and tries to make decisions based on his own irrelevant expertise.


100% spot-on.

I saw an interview with John Barnes in which he made the very important point that people are talking about the fans winning but in reality the only winners are Sky, BT and UEFA.

The ordinary fans hasn't won anything.........ticket prices aren't going down, replica kit and merchandise prices aren't going down, Sky and BT's subscription charges aren't going down. All that has happened is that the greedy sods at UEFA, Sky and BT have averted the gravy train from leaving their station.

Post #346968  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 2:43 pm 

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TOP GUN wrote:
Unless your being bought by a sheik it’s a likely consortium with loans and financing. The problem with Kroenke has never been relating to finances as far as im concerned more so that he’s incompetent doesn’t understand football and tries to make decisions based on his own irrelevant expertise.

Are there any billionaires who buy football clubs who know anything about running football clubs? I can't think of any. But the best billionaire owners know about running successful businesses and a pretty simple rule is if you can't do it yourself you find the best people who can do it. That is what City and Chelsea have done.

The problem with Kronke is he will see his involvement in Arsenal as a huge success, if he sold tomorrow he's doubled his investment in 10 years (I think?), and he's done that by basically just not doing anything. The overall product of football has grown and his investment is just been swept along in the wave.

Post #346969  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 4:57 pm 
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After determining ability to buy a club, the biggest question after that for any fan is WHY they want to buy the club.

One of the reasons why its tough to buy an NFL team is 1) there are only 30 of them and they only come up for sale ever so often. In America at least, its the ultimate toy. There are over 600 billionaires in America. A select club in a country with over 330 million people and they look at you with awe in your presence. But among your peers, you're not special. 600 or so is a very big group and you all know each other or know of each other. No matter how disparate your businesses are, you run into most of your peers.

That said, owning an NFL team is seen as one of the things that sets you apart from your fellow billionaires. Bezos may be worth 5 x the amount of billions you have but he doesn't own an NFL team. You do. Only 30 of you can have it. He'll have to wait and...he'll have to be approved and you are one of the votes.

The NFL owners take a vote. It doesn't matter how much money you have. You know most of the owners and some of them may hold a personal grudge for a previous business deal stolen, or something petty. Doesn't matter. Bezos, for all his billions will have to kiss some azzes to buy a club. That's what sets the NFL apart.

The pettiness aside, the one advantage this process has over the EPL is that the league doesn't have as much of a say it seems as their NFL brethren. In the NFL the owners at large protects the interests of the smaller teams who may be desperate to be sold but in doing so invite in the select club someone who is bad for them all as a collective. This isn't as strong as it once was as evidenced by the league presently but for a long time it worked until greed got the best of them. The EPL needs to do better in that regard.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #346970  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 7:28 pm 
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Bernard wrote:
Zed wrote:
Looks like Bernard's asleep at the wheel.

Happy dreams.

Sorry, you’ve lost me.

Nothing Bernard. Saw you'd been on here for a long while is all.

Be careful who you call your friends. I'd rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies.

Post #346971  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 7:30 pm 
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Decaf wrote:
Zed wrote:
May or may not detract from the message. Sunday MU fans just carried over frustrations, anger from ESL fallout Owners need to stop pretending their constituents don't exist. England fans prefer to have owners sell up. At least the Glazers , Kroenke for Arsenal. Or if they don't, owners need to revise their operations. Thing is owners still get plenty of revenue from overseas.

The problem is the owners don't have to do this, and don't want to. And the law is on the side of property.

When you sell your soul to the devil the deal doesn't include a buyback clause. If after you've enjoyed all the fornication and debauchery and intoxication, you don't find the ensuring fire and brimstone to your tastes, that is just too bad.

Fans fighting a losing battle it seems. The war was already won on paper.

Be careful who you call your friends. I'd rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies.

Post #346972  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 9:06 pm 
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Watched some of the CL match. We are a light year behind both these teams, not just 30 points. I don’t think Arteta has got our team playing anywhere like these teams, even for 10 minutes in any game this season. I wonder if Aubameyang will start at CF in the Europa or if he insists he plays wing. That would of course require him to admit he has been wrong.

If this policy does not deliver then I would say we have to change it.
AW 150810

Post #346973  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 9:10 pm 

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Gaz from Oz wrote:
Watched some of the CL match. We are a light year behind both these teams, not just 30 points. I don’t think Arteta has got our team playing anywhere like these teams, even for 10 minutes in any game this season.

The fairytale of those two plucky underdogs fighting to get to the promised land that their great leadership* indomitable spirit** and excellent squad building*** has won for them just warms my heart. What’s stopping us from being more like them??

* money
** money
*** money

Post #346974  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 9:14 pm 

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Ash wrote:
Gaz from Oz wrote:
Watched some of the CL match. We are a light year behind both these teams, not just 30 points. I don’t think Arteta has got our team playing anywhere like these teams, even for 10 minutes in any game this season.

The fairytale of those two plucky underdogs fighting to get to the promised land that their great leadership* indomitable spirit** and excellent squad building*** has won for them just warms my heart. What’s stopping us from being more like them??

* money
** money
*** money

You cynical man you.

"If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all"

Post #346975  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 9:27 pm 

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KSE can say they don't want to sell, thing is though the appetite is clearly not there from the majority of fans to enter any sort of ESL.

Arsenal are now a loss making business in downward decline, even if any sort of ESL emerges again, which looks only possible in the long term, Arsenal may not be invited at that point as we'll likely be festering in midtable.

I keep hearing people say the club will continue to rise in value?, I don't see this as very likely, how is this going to happen if as is likely to happen we remain largely uncompetitive and without a ESL?.

Wake me up when wiggy snuffs it

Post #346976  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 10:00 pm 
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Ash wrote:
Gaz from Oz wrote:
Watched some of the CL match. We are a light year behind both these teams, not just 30 points. I don’t think Arteta has got our team playing anywhere like these teams, even for 10 minutes in any game this season.

The fairytale of those two plucky underdogs fighting to get to the promised land that their great leadership* indomitable spirit** and excellent squad building*** has won for them just warms my heart. What’s stopping us from being more like them??

* money
** money
*** money

Well actually you would think after this period we might have crisp passing, people actually closing down opponents, and finding space out wide. It’s not money that does that, it is the coach having faith in the players and a system that allows for creativity. You can actually try to beat players and surge forward without the coach yelling at the player to stay. But if you like to play the poor card go for it. You might have missed the fact that When Aubameyang, Pépé and Lacazette play that is the most expensive forward line in the EPL. We have an owner who has money and he allowed other experts spend. We should be a better team than we have.

If this policy does not deliver then I would say we have to change it.
AW 150810

Post #346977  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 10:16 pm 
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Very sad to hear the news about Alan McLoughlin today who lost his fight against cancer. His goal at Windsor Park for Ireland will long be fondly remembered. RIP.

It's a terrible love and I'm walking with spiders.

Post #346978  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 10:34 pm 

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Gaz from Oz wrote:
Ash wrote:

The fairytale of those two plucky underdogs fighting to get to the promised land that their great leadership* indomitable spirit** and excellent squad building*** has won for them just warms my heart. What’s stopping us from being more like them??

* money
** money
*** money

Well actually you would think after this period we might have crisp passing, people actually closing down opponents, and finding space out wide. It’s not money that does that, it is the coach having faith in the players and a system that allows for creativity. You can actually try to beat players and surge forward without the coach yelling at the player to stay. But if you like to play the poor card go for it. You might have missed the fact that When Aubameyang, Pépé and Lacazette play that is the most expensive forward line in the EPL. We have an owner who has money and he allowed other experts spend. We should be a better team than we have.

Yes, the quality is there. But that doesn't imply that our squad is remotely comparable to City's. You can't play Aubameyang and Lacazette together really (even on the rare occasions when they are both fit and in form) and there are major holes elsewhere in the squad. You could drive a bus through our midfield (especially with Xhaka covering Left Back) or left back position.

I don't see why you have to take such an extreme position. You spoil you argument when you say you haven't even seen 10 minutes of us playing anywhere near where City plays all season. We've looked very good indeed at times.

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #346979  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 10:50 pm 

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Wilts-Gooner wrote:
KSE can say they don't want to sell, thing is though the appetite is clearly not there from the majority of fans to enter any sort of ESL.

Arsenal are now a loss making business in downward decline, even if any sort of ESL emerges again, which looks only possible in the long term, Arsenal may not be invited at that point as we'll likely be festering in midtable.

I keep hearing people say the club will continue to rise in value?, I don't see this as very likely, how is this going to happen if as is likely to happen we remain largely uncompetitive and without a ESL?.

On your last point: the Guardian described Old Trafford as a giant shopping mall with a football stadium attached. I think that captures the general idea. So long as millions of people are buying two or three overpriced shirts ever year, and paying their money to the TV companies, it doesn't matter if the team doesn't win much. Look at how United and Liverpool rode their long lean spells without really losing their status. Even Spurs, despite never winning anything more significant than the Feyenoord Jubileum Tournament in living memory, are able to milk it.

Arsenal are a huge global brand with massive marketing potential. That would gradually fade but it would take a long time = lots of money in the interim as the air leaks from the balloon.

On your first point, isn't saying that just SOP? It would be extremely bad form, and would probably get Kronke blackballed from his club, to start off negotiations with an honest statement of how badly he wants to get rid of us. He may secretly be restraining himself from biting Ek's arm off ... $2 billion or whatever is pretty handy. Gets some some pretty nifty toupees, a couple of Congressmen, etc..

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #346980  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:03 pm 
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No matter who owns the club, be it Kroenke or Daniel Ek, what's stopping either one to not be in the ESL. If/when it's reintroduced. Kroenke as we all know, will push for it strongly. He won't sell up if this ESL is made definite. Ek on the other hand, could be persuaded into it. If Arsenal rusts in mid-table repeatedly, no matter what owner or manager there is overtime, chances are slim the club would again be part of the "dirty dozen".

Be careful who you call your friends. I'd rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies.

Post #346981  Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 11:47 pm 
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Zed wrote:
Nothing Bernard. Saw you'd been on here for a long while is all.

Ah, what I have done quite a few times is not exited the forum, even though I’m not looking at it. So I assume it must look as though I’m logged on when I’m not definitely not reading it or writing a post.

Post #346982  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:03 am 
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TOP GUN wrote:
gooner7 wrote:

I think Daniel is as much a businessman as Stan is. If he buys the club with debt, I don't see us as better off. Arsenal football club becomes a commodity to be traded by businessman to businessman.

You are aware that Kroenke bought Arsenal with a massive loan from Deutsche bank ?

Unless your being bought by a sheik it’s a likely consortium with loans and financing. The problem with Kroenke has never been relating to finances as far as im concerned more so that he’s incompetent doesn’t understand football and tries to make decisions based on his own irrelevant expertise.

I wasn't aware he took a loan to buy

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #346983  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 3:38 am 
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Decaf wrote:
Gaz from Oz wrote:
Well actually you would think after this period we might have crisp passing, people actually closing down opponents, and finding space out wide. It’s not money that does that, it is the coach having faith in the players and a system that allows for creativity. You can actually try to beat players and surge forward without the coach yelling at the player to stay. But if you like to play the poor card go for it. You might have missed the fact that When Aubameyang, Pépé and Lacazette play that is the most expensive forward line in the EPL. We have an owner who has money and he allowed other experts spend. We should be a better team than we have.

Yes, the quality is there. But that doesn't imply that our squad is remotely comparable to City's. You can't play Aubameyang and Lacazette together really (even on the rare occasions when they are both fit and in form) and there are major holes elsewhere in the squad. You could drive a bus through our midfield (especially with Xhaka covering Left Back) or left back position.

I don't see why you have to take such an extreme position. You spoil you argument when you say you haven't even seen 10 minutes of us playing anywhere near where City plays all season. We've looked very good indeed at times.

I beg to differ. Even in games when we won we rarely dominated and often wins are because of individuals rather than really putting a game and game plan together.

If this policy does not deliver then I would say we have to change it.
AW 150810

Post #346984  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 7:01 am 
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We are very far from the best we have ever been. Our standard has regressed since the latter years of Wenger.
Arteta is struggling to establish a proper team. He does not have the players to make us good or great. His lack of tactical nous does not help either.

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #346985  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 7:28 am 

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Mourinho rocking up at Roma next year. You have to feel sorry for Chris Smalling and Mkhitaryan!

Post #346986  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 7:40 am 

Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:57 pm
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I saw City had signed a 17 year old Brazilian, Kayky for £9m plus add ons and thought I'd look back over some recent signings they've made that no one has heard of:
Pedro Porro £10m
Kayky £9m + add ons
Pablo Moreno £9m
Filip Stefanovic £7.5m
Nuhuel Bustos £6m
Ante Palaversa £6m
Diego Rosa £5m
Yan Couto £5m
Issa Kaboure £5m

£60m for the lot, not one of them has ever played for Man City, all find themselves on loan and will undoubtedly move on in the future for at least the fee City paid for them. They really only need 1 of those 9 to be good enough for the first team and they're quids in.
Chelsea have a very similar strategy. The tactic is almost just sweep up every good player available and send them on loan to your sister clubs, it keeps these players out of the hands of your rivals. It helps that City can make £60m worth of transfers without any intention of using them in the first team and without it impacting the budget for the first team signings - which is of course colossal - it is a win/win strategy for those with the money. Yet another example of the huge advantage cheat mode money brings.

Post #346987  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:08 am 
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Niall wrote:
Very sad to hear the news about Alan McLoughlin today who lost his fight against cancer. His goal at Windsor Park for Ireland will long be fondly remembered. RIP.

Hi Niall,

Very sad. Only 54.


Post #346988  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:10 am 
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Rich wrote:
I saw City had signed a 17 year old Brazilian, Kayky for £9m plus add ons and thought I'd look back over some recent signings they've made that no one has heard of:
Pedro Porro £10m
Kayky £9m + add ons
Pablo Moreno £9m
Filip Stefanovic £7.5m
Nuhuel Bustos £6m
Ante Palaversa £6m
Diego Rosa £5m
Yan Couto £5m
Issa Kaboure £5m

£60m for the lot, not one of them has ever played for Man City, all find themselves on loan and will undoubtedly move on in the future for at least the fee City paid for them. They really only need 1 of those 9 to be good enough for the first team and they're quids in.
Chelsea have a very similar strategy. The tactic is almost just sweep up every good player available and send them on loan to your sister clubs, it keeps these players out of the hands of your rivals. It helps that City can make £60m worth of transfers without any intention of using them in the first team and without it impacting the budget for the first team signings - which is of course colossal - it is a win/win strategy for those with the money. Yet another example of the huge advantage cheat mode money brings.

Hi Rich,


It's one of the reasons I was hoping Edu could give us a big advantage with the young south american signings. Doesn't seem to be happening yet though.

Post #346989  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:22 am 
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The reason why Arsenal will continue to go up in value is not revenue related. There are only so many clubs with a global following or recognized at least. Arsenal's name is recognized on every continent. West Brom who are also in the league (this season) aren't.

30, 40 years ago, there were only so many people who would be willing to pay for a 'premium club' (Liverpool, Arsenal, Man Utd, Bayern, Juve, etc). There are far, far more billionaires than 30 years ago. There are over 2,700 billionaires globally. Also, 30, 40 years ago companies wouldn't consider buying a club. These days there are a number of them. Now you have far more companies (Red Bull, Volkswagen, willing to buy clubs.

So the big differences is there is far more money chasing a limited product (elite clubs). Arsenal's value is based in large part on that.

Lastly, the prestige and ego stroking that comes with owning a major club.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #346990  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:46 am 

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Here is an interesting transfer rumour. Apparently Leno has told Arsenal he'd like to move on in the summer, he's got 2 years left on his deal so Arsenal should really be making a decision one way or the other. A GK who Arsenal may target to replace him is Szczesny, bringing him home as Juve target a free transfer signing of AC Milan's Donnarumma.
Szczesny is a better GK than when he left us but I haven't watched much of him recently to see if he's still a top GK, at 31 he shouldn't be in decline yet - more like in his peak years as a GK. He also counts a a home-grown player which is something we need to be mindful of if we're looking at selling Bellerin, AMN, Willock, Nelson and Nketiah this summer

Post #346991  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 8:48 am 
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Decaf wrote:
Even Spurs, despite never winning anything more significant than the Feyenoord Jubileum Tournament in living memory

oi that's a prestigious trophy, don't pooh-pooh it!

niets is sterker dan dat ene woord

Post #346992  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 10:29 am 

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Rich wrote:
Here is an interesting transfer rumour. Apparently Leno has told Arsenal he'd like to move on in the summer, he's got 2 years left on his deal so Arsenal should really be making a decision one way or the other. A GK who Arsenal may target to replace him is Szczesny, bringing him home as Juve target a free transfer signing of AC Milan's Donnarumma.
Szczesny is a better GK than when he left us but I haven't watched much of him recently to see if he's still a top GK, at 31 he shouldn't be in decline yet - more like in his peak years as a GK. He also counts a a home-grown player which is something we need to be mindful of if we're looking at selling Bellerin, AMN, Willock, Nelson and Nketiah this summer

I’d be disappointed if Leno left but not gutted

I find many parallels between him and the john lukic situation. A very good goalkeeper but if a David Seaman was available on the market and we had the money it might make sense to bite.

Post #346993  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 11:28 am 
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TOP GUN wrote:
I’d be disappointed if Leno left but not gutted

I find many parallels between him and the john lukic situation. A very good goalkeeper but if a David Seaman was available on the market and we had the money it might make sense to bite.

The question is surely how likely is it that Arsenal would (a) find a modern day David Seaman that clubs of a comparable size didn’t want, and (b) spend the money to buy him?

Post #346994  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 12:39 pm 

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Bernard wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:
I’d be disappointed if Leno left but not gutted

I find many parallels between him and the john lukic situation. A very good goalkeeper but if a David Seaman was available on the market and we had the money it might make sense to bite.

The question is surely how likely is it that Arsenal would (a) find a modern day David Seaman that clubs of a comparable size didn’t want, and (b) spend the money to buy him?

The strange thing if Leno does want out is that we effectively chose him over Martinez (and I still think it was the only sensible decision Arsenal could have made at the time) - but if we'd known Leno wanted out we'd have probably been much more likely to give Martinez a new deal and make him No.1.
It is situations like this that i do feel some sympathy to the club, they made a sensible decision, backed the experienced GK and a year later he might want to leave.

Could all be rumours and Leno is quite happy. But it wouldn't surprise me if a number of players start questioning their future if we don't make europe at all - and currently it looks like we get everything we could have wished for (ie: a European Trophy and a seat back at the top table in the Champions League) or have the worst season we could have possibly imagined, 11th in the league and no europe at all next year.

Post #346995  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 12:51 pm 

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There has been talk of more protests outside the ground tonight, you can't blame them - but there was also talk of a group trying to get the fans that gather to make their voices heard as a welcome to the team bus and encouragement to the team. I like that idea, Arsenal could certainly do with something to wake us up in the early part of a lot of games recently

Post #346996  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:01 pm 
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Arteta stating the obvious. Please make sure the team comes out with all-guns blazing this Thursday. Stop playing the slow-mo, overly deliberate build up that he set them up to do. Villareal will be working hard on a tight defensive unit. And we cannot be walking up to the last third, then pass it around endless times looking for that eye-of-the -needle pass. Just play fast moving football, work on the triangles. Allow Martinelli and/or Pépé to run at their defence, but have someone at the ready to bail them out of tight situations. In short, more fast paced movement please.

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #346997  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:02 pm 
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Rich wrote:
Here is an interesting transfer rumour. Apparently Leno has told Arsenal he'd like to move on in the summer, he's got 2 years left on his deal so Arsenal should really be making a decision one way or the other. A GK who Arsenal may target to replace him is Szczesny, bringing him home as Juve target a free transfer signing of AC Milan's Donnarumma.
Szczesny is a better GK than when he left us but I haven't watched much of him recently to see if he's still a top GK, at 31 he shouldn't be in decline yet - more like in his peak years as a GK. He also counts a a home-grown player which is something we need to be mindful of if we're looking at selling Bellerin, AMN, Willock, Nelson and Nketiah this summer

Interesting. Move on then. Ryan shall then be our #1.

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #346998  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:04 pm 
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Rich wrote:
There has been talk of more protests outside the ground tonight, you can't blame them - but there was also talk of a group trying to get the fans that gather to make their voices heard as a welcome to the team bus and encouragement to the team. I like that idea, Arsenal could certainly do with something to wake us up in the early part of a lot of games recently

You meant tomorrow night? Would be quite quiet and lonely if anyone should show up tonight.

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #346999  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:22 pm 

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rotterdamnation wrote:
Decaf wrote:
Even Spurs, despite never winning anything more significant than the Feyenoord Jubileum Tournament in living memory

oi that's a prestigious trophy, don't pooh-pooh it!

I'm sure they don't. They probably take it out and polish it every day :laughing7: :laughing7:

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #347000  Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:53 pm 
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Lehmann getting himself into trouble. Quite astounding really. ... 33349.html

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