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Post #502001  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:56 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:06 am
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TOP GUN wrote:
United drop 2 points

Top4 is definitely on this year.

Please stop moaning and get behind the team. A point tomorrow would be a good result.

Discussing thing critically (moaning as you put it) here and getting behind the team are not mutually exclusive activities.

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #502002  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:04 pm 

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Hazuki wrote:
john1 wrote:

He’s going back to 3 centrals isn’t he.

We have three left backs, so we are selling one, I don't see why it has to be more to it than that. Monreal probably wanted to go, and we let him leave because he's been a good servant to the club. Tierney is clearly thought of as the guy going forward and until then we have Kolasinac.

If we waited to sell Monreal in january it would have cost the club 1.1million in wages. We only play Watford and villa in September and if you can’t trust Kolasinac againest those sides he shouldn’t be at the club.

Just seems to make sense, obviously if we lose tomorrow the bed Wetters will lose the plot.

Post #502003  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:54 pm 

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Chelsea drop 2 points at home.


Post #502004  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:19 pm 

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Decaf wrote:
kiwipete wrote:
Good post seem to know what you are talking about ...but how many referendums do think you should have before something is done ?

But you don't have a referendum and then just do it. The referendum indicated national approval for the idea of brexit. Then the government in power had to work out, and get approval for, the details of the deal. This it failed to do.

How was it supposed to succeed when 60% of MPs who promised to see Brexit through did everything in their power to stop it or hinder it?

From the moment May took over the negotiations from David Davies the whole venture was doomed. If she had left well alone we would have done a good deal and we would have got a good result . As it was the remoaners made it impossible and cost the country billions in wasted efforts to cover their arses.

Post #502005  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:19 pm 
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Sadly Liverpool are 0-2 up already. So it looks like I’ll have to write this off as another two easy points for them. So after the satisfaction of Chelsea and Manchester United dropping points, sod it!

Post #502006  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:28 pm 

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Bernard wrote:
Sadly Liverpool are 0-2 up already. So it looks like I’ll have to write this off as another two easy points for them. So after the satisfaction of Chelsea and Manchester United dropping points, sod it!

They and City might as well be in a different league. Liverpool didn't have it all their own way, mind.

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #502007  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:28 pm 

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bubblechris wrote:
Decaf wrote:
But you don't have a referendum and then just do it. The referendum indicated national approval for the idea of brexit. Then the government in power had to work out, and get approval for, the details of the deal. This it failed to do.

How was it supposed to succeed when 60% of MPs who promised to see Brexit through did everything in their power to stop it or hinder it?

From the moment May took over the negotiations from David Davies the whole venture was doomed.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :15laughter:

David Davis, Britain’s chief Brexit negotiator, has held only four hours of talks with his Brussels opposite number this year, according to government records.

The lack of political engagement was cited by EU leaders on Friday as they rebuked the UK for slow progress on Brexit. In a joint summit statement, they insisted on “the need for intensified efforts” and warned that there had been “no substantial” advances on the vexed issue of the Irish border. ... daf11b720d

Post #502008  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:39 pm 

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bubblechris wrote:
Decaf wrote:
But you don't have a referendum and then just do it. The referendum indicated national approval for the idea of brexit. Then the government in power had to work out, and get approval for, the details of the deal. This it failed to do.

How was it supposed to succeed when 60% of MPs who promised to see Brexit through did everything in their power to stop it or hinder it?

From the moment May took over the negotiations from David Davies the whole venture was doomed. If she had left well alone we would have done a good deal and we would have got a good result . As it was the remoaners made it impossible and cost the country billions in wasted efforts to cover their arses.

Sorry, but that makes no sense. Whose fault was it? The 'remoaners' (as your last point suggests) or the Brexiteers (the 60% you mention) ...who were far too busy stabbing each other in the back to organise a pissup in a brewery, let alone something as complicated as Brexit?

Either way, is what you are describing anything other than a giant cock up by the conservative party?

Hamba kakuhle, Madiba

Post #502009  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:48 pm 

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Decaf wrote:
bubblechris wrote:

How was it supposed to succeed when 60% of MPs who promised to see Brexit through did everything in their power to stop it or hinder it?

From the moment May took over the negotiations from David Davies the whole venture was doomed. If she had left well alone we would have done a good deal and we would have got a good result . As it was the remoaners made it impossible and cost the country billions in wasted efforts to cover their arses.

Sorry, but that makes no sense. Whose fault was it? The 'remoaners' (as your last point suggests) or the Brexiteers (the 60% you mention) ...who were far too busy stabbing each other in the back to organise a pissup in a brewery, let alone something as complicated as Brexit?

Either way, is what you are describing anything other than a giant cock up by the conservative party?

All valid points

Also it’s worth pointing out that May DID actually deliver a withdrawal agreement that provided Brexit but it was deemed not brexity enough by the loonie far right types in her own party.

Post #502010  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:08 pm 

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Bernard wrote:
Sadly Liverpool are 0-2 up already. So it looks like I’ll have to write this off as another two easy points for them. So after the satisfaction of Chelsea and Manchester United dropping points, sod it!

City and Liverpool are so far ahead that i’ll Be cheering both of them on when they play spurs, Man U and Chelsea. We are competing with those 3 for top 4 so any points they drop is good even if it is to those two.

The bonus is Chelsea (twice), Man U (at least twice) and spurs (once) have all already dropped points you’d expect them to get. We technically have got the exact amount of points you would expect us to have to get a top 4 place

Post #502011  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:11 pm 

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Read that the Elneny loan deal as an €18m option to buy at the end. If that happens then Raul is an absolute genius.

Also saw someone post that from the 18 man squad that won the 2017 fa cup there is only Bellerin, Holding, xhaka, Özil left in the current squad. 14 players gone in 2 and a bit years

Post #502012  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:33 pm 

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Bernard wrote:
Sadly Liverpool are 0-2 up already. So it looks like I’ll have to write this off as another two easy points for them. So after the satisfaction of Chelsea and Manchester United dropping points, sod it!

If they only get two points for a win though I feel like we might just have a chance. Maybe. :laughing7:

Post #502013  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:24 pm 
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kiwipete wrote:
john1 wrote:
My final contribution on the EU debate for today at least.

Up until a few years ago, I would have been very indifferent to the thought of, or desire for, Welsh independence. I have been overall a relatively happy member of the status quo regarding the UK, albeit unhappy with the actions of some governments (Poll tax, Iraq, bedroom tax etc).

What I have seen over the past few years has brought to stark light the rottenness at the heart of Westminster:
the way our politicians seem to have been bought off (or are being blackmailed);
a PM who is on record as a liar, who has been recorded conspiring to assault a reporter;
cabinet ministers who say one thing today, the opposite tomorrow;
ministers like Patel voting on contracts having given paid advice to the company bidding for the contract;
constant lies not being challenged;
the ability of extremists like Farage to command the media spotlight, thanks to how our press is run; and the role of social media in manipulating public opinion has been frightening.

I have also come to believe that we are in the throes of the selling off of the UK, and that Brexit is simply a means to an end in the hands of those (like Rees Mogg) who in my opinion are conspiring against the UK. This time though, it won't be a possible invasion by tanks and troops that we will have to fight off. We might have have had a chance about that. No, it'll be a takeover by stealth of all our public assets, a process started some years ago but now coming to fruition.

Our NHS (which American health insurance companies are slavering over) will go, public services will be privatised and cut back to nothing, the least able in society will suffer, retirement age pushed ever upwards, and the financial divide between rich and poor will increase exponentially.

As Top Gun has mentioned, there are many people in Scotland now questioning their position viz a viz the UK, and Scottish independence is a real possibility. Wales doesn't get the same publicity as Scotland (for Wales, see England), but I can tell you that I am not alone in now considering Welsh independence as a preferable alternative to living in what the UK will become. People who 10 years ago would have laughed at the idea, are now beginning to wonder.

Brexit is nothing at all to do with the EU in reality, its simply a vehicle that has allowed tax dodging parasites to dictate political discourse and policy in this country.

And finally, to those who say it was the will of the people and those who voted remain should just shut up and get on with it:
a) that's not how true democracy works, people are allowed to change their minds (both ways)
b) Farage himself said that if the vote had been 52/48 the other way, he would have carried on campaigning.

Good post seem to know what you are talking about ...but how many referendums do think you should have before something is done ?

The referendum was advisory. We are a parliamentary democracy (at least we used to be), not a country ruled by plebiscite.

The issue of membership of the EU was not a topic of conversation in the general population or indeed in daily politics. It was only when the EU agreed to the introduction of anti-tax avoidance measures that the tax exile newspaper barons fired up their editors to start playing the immigration card. Cameron was just too craven and cowardly to stand up to those pressures. Or maybe even he will benefit financially.

Anyway, whilst I don’t agree with referenda deciding matters instead of Parliament, this issue needs another one to settle the issue. There needs to be 3 choices:
1. Leave with no deal
2. Whatever deal Johnson can agree (but he won’t, because his bosses won’t let him)
3. Stay in the EU

One more point kiwi, do you seriously dismiss the possibility that Putin has had a role in all this? He’s a billionaire, who’s profited from the theft of Russian assets. If you think people like him are at any time happy with what they’ve got, then you’ve been sniffing too much engine oil.

Btw, if you get the chance, have a look at a film called The Great Hack.

Gorau chwarae cyd chwarae

Post #502014  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:25 pm 
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Hazuki wrote:
john1 wrote:

He’s going back to 3 centrals isn’t he.

We have three left backs, so we are selling one, I don't see why it has to be more to it than that. Monreal probably wanted to go, and we let him leave because he's been a good servant to the club. Tierney is clearly thought of as the guy going forward and until then we have Kolasinac.

I wasn’t clear - I meant until Tierney is fit. Kola isn’t a defender.

Gorau chwarae cyd chwarae

Post #502015  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:26 pm 
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Decaf wrote:
kiwipete wrote:
Good post seem to know what you are talking about ...but how many referendums do think you should have before something is done ?

But you don't have a referendum and then just do it. The referendum indicated national approval for the idea of brexit. Then the government in power had to work out, and get approval for, the details of the deal. This it failed to do.

Spot on

Gorau chwarae cyd chwarae

Post #502016  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:57 pm 

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Decaf wrote:
kiwipete wrote:
Good post seem to know what you are talking about ...but how many referendums do think you should have before something is done ?

But you don't have a referendum and then just do it. The referendum indicated national approval for the idea of brexit. Then the government in power had to work out, and get approval for, the details of the deal. This it failed to do.

Oh okay .... so the only guaranteed outcome ; half the population will be seriously p***sed off with the the other half .

Happy days ahead .

Post #502017  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:02 pm 
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So reading thru the overnight posts Top Gun doesn’t think it is a bad result if we lose to Spurs and others think a point is a good result.

Sorry but if you want to be taken seriously as a club - win your home games and particularly against your local rival.

If this policy does not deliver then I would say we have to change it.
AW 150810

Post #502018  Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:53 pm 

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john1 wrote:
Hazuki wrote:
We have three left backs, so we are selling one, I don't see why it has to be more to it than that. Monreal probably wanted to go, and we let him leave because he's been a good servant to the club. Tierney is clearly thought of as the guy going forward and until then we have Kolasinac.

I wasn’t clear - I meant until Tierney is fit. Kola isn’t a defender.

Got it. Truly hope that doesn't happen, hard to see how three/five at the back has ever helped us. Think Kolasinac is better than he showed last year too. Defensively suspect at times but he's carved out a pretty decent career for himself as a left back, it has to be said.

Post #502019  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:31 am 
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gooner7 wrote:
MU drew Ston, despite going 1-0 ahead, and playing more than 20 minutes against 10 men. Sink deeper they go :53big-emoticons:

And then Chelsea dropped 2 points while ahead. Sink, sink, sink :53big-emoticons:

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #502020  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:32 am 
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The clubs below the City and Liverpool are starting a little slow out the gate. It may turn out to be a 2 horse race from the start. We look decent of the rest. Top 4 looking better if the the rest of the top 6 struggle. Lamps and OGS may continue to struggle. Next to Poch, we have the best manager of the lot. This is looking like an "interesting" season so far.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #502021  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:47 am 

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Gaz from Oz wrote:
So reading thru the overnight posts Top Gun doesn’t think it is a bad result if we lose to Spurs and others think a point is a good result.

Sorry but if you want to be taken seriously as a club - win your home games and particularly against your local rival.

No I said a point is a decent result considering yesterday’s results.

Which it is. Obviously a win would be better

Post #502022  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:38 am 

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I’d be disappointed with anything but 3 points today. We need home wins and at least a draw away from the games v Man U, Chelsea, spurs....and Leicester, Everton, Wolves.

Sounds simple but if you forget Liverpool/city, win home and away vs all the teams in the bottom half and beat the teams from 4th-10th at home you’d have 81 points. Doesn’t matter what you do away from home against the top 10. We have got to be looking at at least 16 home wins this season.

Spurs have problems at right back, maybe having to use sissoko or dier there, play our top 3 and get Aubameyang attacking their RB and Pépé destroying Rose. Would love to see Torreira/Guendouzi/Cellabos midfield seems to be the perfect blend of players. But Xhaka will start and Willock would be unfortunate to be dropped. Spurs missing ndombele, their central midfield is going to look weak, cellabos needs to dominate and dictate everything in the middle of the park. I’ll go for 3-1 to The Arsenal

Post #502023  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:46 am 

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I think we're going to win today. Tempo will be everything. We need to vary our play too, not play out from the back every time, go long early if we need to, Luiz has the range to do that. I'm going 2-1

There's a man who's been out sailing in a decade full of dreams

Post #502024  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:33 am 
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Asking for 3 points is a huge ask for a few reasons. Expecting 3 points in our glory era early 00s was a big ask well and when we won it was never easy. It's an NLD. They have had a better side than us for a few years now. They have a far more settled XI than we do and man for man, they can claim to have a better side.

While I would love to win obviously, I think it will be a scoring draw, 1 or 2 each. I don't see our defence ever having a clean sheet against any side in the top 6, even at home. Even if we score first, and the expected onslaught, I doubt we will keep them from scoring. If we win we will need 2 goals at a bare minimum and probably 3.

"Never relegated, Never Will Be" :)

Post #502025  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:42 am 

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European window closes tomorrow

I’m assuming we’re stuck with Mustafi for eternity

Post #502026  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:58 am 

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Interesting that everyone seems to think we are going to roll these guys over. Not sure it’s going to be that easy or where this expectation comes from.

Post #502027  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:45 am 

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TOP GUN wrote:
Interesting that everyone seems to think we are going to roll these guys over. Not sure it’s going to be that easy or where this expectation comes from.

I don't think it's an expectation, just think we're good at home and will respond from last week's result. Certainly not a given but think we will turn them over.

There's a man who's been out sailing in a decade full of dreams

Post #502028  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:31 pm 
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Darren wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:
Interesting that everyone seems to think we are going to roll these guys over. Not sure it’s going to be that easy or where this expectation comes from.

I don't think it's an expectation, just think we're good at home and will respond from last week's result. Certainly not a given but think we will turn them over.

I fancy us to win as well.

Post #502029  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:54 pm 
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I think today's game is one that is very difficult to call. I would like to think that if we play a front three of Aubameyang, Lacazette and Pépé we might just have the edge with the firepower to win the match.

However, as last seasoned showed the Spuds can beat anyone on their day and in Harry Kane they have a striker who might only have three touches but score three goals.

Our defence, as always, is the issue. Will we play a back three now that Monreal has gone?

Post #502030  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:24 pm 

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socrates wrote:
I think today's game is one that is very difficult to call. I would like to think that if we play a front three of Aubameyang, Lacazette and Pépé we might just have the edge with the firepower to win the match.

However, as last seasoned showed the Spuds can beat anyone on their day and in Harry Kane they have a striker who might only have three touches but score three goals.

Our defence, as always, is the issue. Will we play a back three now that Monreal has gone?

Need a big game from somebody. You’ve got to think an 8/9 out of 10 from one of Aubameyang Lacazette Pépé or Ceballos should see us win I think. The odds of that are pretty good I think.

That’s my completely rational logical reasoning for why we’re going to win.

Post #502031  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:32 pm 

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Odd line up with no Willock or Ceballos

Post #502032  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:34 pm 

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Post #502033  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 2:42 pm 

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23David Luiz


Looks like last years midfield and we all know how well they did........................

Post #502034  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:05 pm 

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Kolasinac in a back 4... Emery’s comments in preseason about improving him at LB extremely pertinent today.

Post #502035  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:33 pm 
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Spurs bring their A team. Let's show them our A+ performance.

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #502036  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:42 pm 
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Jeez. Leno. Wtf.

I believe in our team, I believe in our quality and I am convinced that I am right. (Arsene Wenger Dec 08)

Post #502037  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:44 pm 
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Goodness, too easy

Onwards and Upwards!

Post #502038  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:48 pm 

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Our defence is all over the place.

"If you do not believe you can do it then you have no chance at all"

Post #502039  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:49 pm 
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Good save by Leno after our defence parted like the proverbial to let in Son.

I believe in our team, I believe in our quality and I am convinced that I am right. (Arsene Wenger Dec 08)

Post #502040  Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:06 pm 
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Oh dear. Got away with that one. Same mistake by Leno.

Let’s hope that Tottenham end up regretting that.

I believe in our team, I believe in our quality and I am convinced that I am right. (Arsene Wenger Dec 08)

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