Steve Gleibers Arsenal Forum

Supporters Forum
Page 7310 of 9783

Author:  bubblechris [ Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Palace 0-3, West Brom 1-3, Liverpool 1-3, Watford 1-2, Bayern x 2 1-5.

How the *%^@ could you not be embarrassed?

Author:  dec [ Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bubblechris wrote:
Imo I hope we get him. He will be ale to play with the team with or without Olivier. Some don't like him but he is productive and scores goals. A good coach would use him in the right setup. Similarly i think we should hold on to Walcott. He has been a regular scorer season after season and needs to play in the right setup.

Both have a better attitude than Alexi who could have been our greatest ever player had he not sold his soul.

:icon_eek: :icon_eek1:

Author:  kiwipete [ Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bromley gooner wrote:
kiwipete wrote:
Got an annoying ache in my wrist

You should stop reading the dirty books at your age, Kiwi :icon_mrgreen:

:laughing7: yeah ...... I knew I was inviting that .

Once you stop thinking about that stuff Brom might as well cash in your chips .

Not meant to be smutty , but I laughed when an uncle of mine [ he was 90 at the time ] went to visit a dying friend in hospital

"Is there anything I can get you Agnes " [ she 89 ] ...thinking grapes , fruit juice , chocs , a book .

"You know Alf ....... I'd love a bl***dy good shag "

Author:  old man of hoy [ Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bubblechris wrote:
Palace 0-3, West Brom 1-3, Liverpool 1-3, Watford 1-2, Bayern x 2 1-5.

How the *%^@ could you not be embarrassed?
It's football. It is not that important.

Author:  kiwipete [ Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bubblechris wrote:
Palace 0-3, West Brom 1-3, Liverpool 1-3, Watford 1-2, Bayern x 2 1-5.

How the *%^@ could you not be embarrassed?

I't's all a matter of perspective .

Check out the daily routine ....... opening the cat food , then don the coat and scarf for a leisurely walk to buy the paper .

Home again via the canal to admire the ducks going about their business among the old car tyres , shopping trolleys , plastic bags and McDonalds wrappers .

11 am ..... in between verses of "Goodnight Irene " while knocking up a dozen jars of chutney from vegies her brother gave them "Waste not want not " is the golden rule in the Hoy household , Mrs Hoy announces 'I've made a cuppa "

Now it's major decision time ; to do the Easy Sudoku now while sipping his tea or leave it till later ...

Hmmmm that's a tough one .... but wisely he decides on the tea , two digestives and heads out to the garden shed to do battle with that recalcitrant rake handle , it's only taken two weeks so far but it will be a job well done when finished and a great source of pride .

Best leave the Sudoku for this evening .

In the afternoon in front of the fire he opens "Trustee from the Tool Room" .... he was delighted to find two Neville Shute novels he hadn't read at the last church bazaar . Three pages in he is sound asleep . Mrs Hoy enters and lovingly removes his glasses and adjusts his blanket .

Excitement levels race off the scale when one of his mates [ the one who spent the last week in hospital having his stomach pumped after Hoy's culinary efforts ] .....the famous paella , frittata , risotto or whatever the hell it was minus the rice

....and breathlessly announces Frank Worthington has come out of retirement and has signed for the Darts .

They are still mates by the way , he is of the same ilk as Hoy you don't break off a friendship over a trifling matter like a near death experience .

Arsenal lose to Bayern Munich 1 - 5 ..." okay well that's football life goes on ".

Arsenal beat arch rivals Chelsea , silverware for us stop them doing the double ...Halleluhah treats himself to to two small sherries .

Now you tell me who has it right .........Old Man ............ or Claude , TJ , Mo and all the other moaning doodles giving themselves an ulcer over affairs in which they have very little control ...?

Author:  Ash [ Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

:emoticon_mClapp: :emoticon_mClapp: :emoticon_mClapp:

:happy11: :happy11: :happy11:

Kiwi you made my week. I bet even Hoy laughed. Especially, most probably.

Author:  Gaz from Oz [ Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

AshleyGeorge wrote:
:emoticon_mClapp: :emoticon_mClapp: :emoticon_mClapp:

:happy11: :happy11: :happy11:

Kiwi you made my week. I bet even Hoy laughed. Especially, most probably.

Good one Kiwi -apparently very funny apparently

Author:  Lincoln gooner [ Sat Jun 24, 2017 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

I see the officials in the Lions - All Blacks game are sponsored by specsavers :icon_mrgreen:. Thoughts, Lomekian?

Author:  Bored [ Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

That was great Kiwi. I'm looking forward to reading your next project: A day in the life of Daz.

Author:  bubblechris [ Sat Jun 24, 2017 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

27 high rise tower blocks in 15 Local Authority areas failed Government cladding tests.

Many of them had work done by one Company.

Does Soc, was it him, still insist their assets should not be frozen?

Camden evacuate 800 tenants from their failed blocks.

Has anyone checked Hospitals and office blocks and what about hotels like Premier Inn that shot up in recent years?

Author:  socrates [ Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bubblechris wrote:
27 high rise tower blocks in 15 Local Authority areas failed Government cladding tests.

Many of them had work done by one Company.

Does Soc, was it him, still insist their assets should not be frozen?

Nothing to do with me.

Author:  bubblechris [ Sat Jun 24, 2017 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

socrates wrote:
bubblechris wrote:
27 high rise tower blocks in 15 Local Authority areas failed Government cladding tests.

Many of them had work done by one Company.

Does Soc, was it him, still insist their assets should not be frozen?

Nothing to do with me.

Sorry Soc it wasn't you it was your nemesis Kiwi :1laughter:

Author:  old man of hoy [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

kiwipete wrote:
bubblechris wrote:
Palace 0-3, West Brom 1-3, Liverpool 1-3, Watford 1-2, Bayern x 2 1-5.

How the *%^@ could you not be embarrassed?

I't's all a matter of perspective .

Check out the daily routine ....... opening the cat food , then don the coat and scarf for a leisurely walk to buy the paper .

Home again via the canal to admire the ducks going about their business among the old car tyres , shopping trolleys , plastic bags and McDonalds wrappers .

11 am ..... in between verses of "Goodnight Irene " while knocking up a dozen jars of chutney from vegies her brother gave them "Waste not want not " is the golden rule in the Hoy household , Mrs Hoy announces 'I've made a cuppa "

Now it's major decision time ; to do the Easy Sudoku now while sipping his tea or leave it till later ...

Hmmmm that's a tough one .... but wisely he decides on the tea , two digestives and heads out to the garden shed to do battle with that recalcitrant rake handle , it's only taken two weeks so far but it will be a job well done when finished and a great source of pride .

Best leave the Sudoku for this evening .

In the afternoon in front of the fire he opens "Trustee from the Tool Room" .... he was delighted to find two Neville Shute novels he hadn't read at the last church bazaar . Three pages in he is sound asleep . Mrs Hoy enters and lovingly removes his glasses and adjusts his blanket .

Excitement levels race off the scale when one of his mates [ the one who spent the last week in hospital having his stomach pumped after Hoy's culinary efforts ] .....the famous paella , frittata , risotto or whatever the hell it was minus the rice

....and breathlessly announces Frank Worthington has come out of retirement and has signed for the Darts .

They are still mates by the way , he is of the same ilk as Hoy you don't break off a friendship over a trifling matter like a near death experience .

Arsenal lose to Bayern Munich 1 - 5 ..." okay well that's football life goes on ".

Arsenal beat arch rivals Chelsea , silverware for us stop them doing the double ...Halleluhah treats himself to to two small sherries .

Now you tell me who has it right .........Old Man ............ or Claude , TJ , Mo and all the other moaning doodles giving themselves an ulcer over affairs in which they have very little control ...?
Very ggod Kiwi. Can't wait for the movie to come out. Speculative titles: 'No Country For Old Farts'; 'Oldfinger' or 'Once Upon A Time There Was a Pest'.

Author:  old man of hoy [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Bored wrote:
That was great Kiwi. I'm looking forward to reading your next project: A day in the life of Daz.
So long as its not the day we beat United in the FA Cup Final. That would be embarrassing.

Author:  True Blue Gunner Gooner [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Arsenal will pay $56m for Lacazette
4 yr contract


Author:  kiwipete [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

AshleyGeorge wrote:
:emoticon_mClapp: :emoticon_mClapp: :emoticon_mClapp:

:happy11: :happy11: :happy11:

Kiwi you made my week. I bet even Hoy laughed. Especially, most probably.

Thanks Ash and Gaz .
Bored ..... I have penned little character assassinations on Daz in the past , and he about me .

All Blacks played terrible against the Lions and stuttered to a flattering win .

We are going well in the America's cup yachting but anyone thinking we will win , think again we haven't a prayer .

The Yanks must be the most anal bunch of pr**cks on the planet . They have no shame , win at all costs .

Last time out four years ago , they cancelled the race which would have given us the cup when we were four hundred metres from the finish and half a mile in front because in light winds the race had taken too long ... then they announced a few lay days flew in every expert on the planet redesigned the boat and won .

This time in Bermuda , they arranged to have their compound in a fortified location , while the Kiwis are in plan sight of every Tom , Dick and Harry ...Ellison has boats cruising back and forth photographing everything we do .
He has taken us to court to try and have us disqualified because of the ingenious way we crank the hydraulics
They just had five days off ...... changed their boat , brought in other crew members , tacticians .

It's same as we lose the first leg of our match v Bayern Munich so we bring in Messi , Ronaldo , Ramos and Vardy

.... then here's the clincher ..because they came out victorious in their preliminary round robin they awarded themselves one point to be carried through to the final .

One point is awarded for every race win , first to seven takes the cup ..... :laughing7: so the Kiwis were behind before the first race was run .

Imagine Federer wins Queens Club so if he makes the final at Wimbledon he gets a four game head start . or because Germany won the last world cup if they make the final of the next one they start one goal to the good over their opponents .

We've won five races but we only have four points ......due to their awarding themselves a point beforehand ...... unbelievable .

Author:  Bernard1 [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
Arsenal will pay $56m for Lacazette
4 yr contract

You've got the symbol for dollars. Do you mean dollars, or euros or pounds? If it's £56m, that seems very expensive. But $56m seems moderately reasonable at approaching £44m. €56m, which is £49m, is obviously around mid-way between the other two prices.

I'd like to see us make a serious offer to Schalke for Goretzka. A talented midfielder who isn't a midget.

Author:  Gaz from Oz [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Now the English press is publishing fake news just to get my hopes up ... nzini-News

Theo to Westham rumour.

Author:  Sabir [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Bernard wrote:
True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
Arsenal will pay $56m for Lacazette
4 yr contract

I'd like to see us make a serious offer to Schalke for Goretzka. A talented midfielder who isn't a midget.

Goretzka is a great shout, I hope we have a serious interest in him. Reminds me a little of Vieira. Also, whilst I hope we get Lacazette, I'm not sure I want Giroud to leave. Lacazette might get in behind with his pace and score those types of goals which is great. But if Giroud leaves then our aerial threat and plan b is gone. We'll lose an asset that has often been underrated especially against packed defences when pace can't always be used. Set piece threat too.

Author:  AmericanGooner [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

I hope the link for Martial is serious but Mourinho will never sell him. The only way that happens is if Martial tries force a move, can't see that happening or Mourinho wants someone else and is not happy with him.

Man Utd fans are having a bit of fun with the link. We owe them some misery for what they did for RvP. ... l-reports/

Author:  AmericanGooner [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Liking the Lacazette rumors. I think it will happen.

Author:  AmericanGooner [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

In the Philippines on vacation and a friend of the girl I went to a club with is from Dundee, Scotland and maybe he had too much alcohol but I couldn't understand a word he said. The accent is not nearly as strong as a Glasgow accent but almost as hard to follow. He is also a Dundee United fan, which I assumed and he was shocked an American knew that.

Author:  Bernard1 [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Sabir wrote:
Bernard wrote:
I'd like to see us make a serious offer to Schalke for Goretzka. A talented midfielder who isn't a midget.

Goretzka is a great shout, I hope we have a serious interest in him. Reminds me a little of Vieira. Also, whilst I hope we get Lacazette, I'm not sure I want Giroud to leave. Lacazette might get in behind with his pace and score those types of goals which is great. But if Giroud leaves then our aerial threat and plan b is gone. We'll lose an asset that has often been underrated especially against packed defences when pace can't always be used. Set piece threat too.

I see it as a shame when players leave just short of a century of Arsenal goals. As you've pointed out here previously, Merson left when he had scored 99 times for Arsenal. I think Giroud has 98 goals for Arsenal, and I'd be sad to see him also leave just before he joins Arsenal's 100 club. Overall I agree with your point, but there are significant negatives about Giroud. At his best he reminds me of Alan Smith. But at his worst he reminds me of Lee Chapman. Regrettably he seems to be in Chapman mode quite a lot of the time.

Author:  Wilts-Gooner [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Wenger has to make some tough decisions if he's to move the squad forward, PL wage spending rules mean we can only increase our wage bill by a certain amount (7%?) and if we extend Özil or Sanchez deals just one of them will probably take up most of that.

If we can offload Walcott to the hammers then I say go for it, he's on £110-140K a week depending on which source to believe, he did score a lot of goals last season but his all round game is average and I still don't think Wenger really knows whether he's a winger or a striker, frankly I don't think anyone does!, at 28 and so reliant on his pace he's not going to get better and will probably go downhill in the next few years.

Giroud is a good plan B but if he wants to start then he needs to go as well, all his best performances are from the bench and if he cannot accept that then tough decision time Arsene, prove you have a ruthless streak. There are younger options out there who will undoubtedly have more pace than Giroud if not quite his other strengths.

Not sure on the Ox, he did well for half of last season but how long have we waited for that?, I do like him but if he's holding out for crazy money and other teams are happy to pay him £150k+ then I think we might be better off looking for other options, especially in MF, there is also a touch of the "Walcott's" about playing well just before your contract is up..

I don't know how losing both Ox and Walcott would affect our home grown quota though, especially as Gibbs is also likely to move on and Wilshere and Szczesny's future are still undecided, we may not have any English players left at this rate!.

Author:  Furball [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Sabir wrote:
Bernard wrote:
I'd like to see us make a serious offer to Schalke for Goretzka. A talented midfielder who isn't a midget.

Goretzka is a great shout, I hope we have a serious interest in him. Reminds me a little of Vieira. Also, whilst I hope we get Lacazette, I'm not sure I want Giroud to leave. Lacazette might get in behind with his pace and score those types of goals which is great. But if Giroud leaves then our aerial threat and plan b is gone. We'll lose an asset that has often been underrated especially against packed defences when pace can't always be used. Set piece threat too.

You must have missed the news, Arsene signed a new contract. Thinking we will have a "plan B" is just naive.

Author:  Sabir [ Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Furball wrote:

You must have missed the news, Arsene signed a new contract. Thinking we will have a "plan B" is just naive.

Giroud has scored a huge amount of headed goals since he arrived. I've forgotten if he's first or second highest in the headed goals record over the last five years but it's an aspect we severely lacked on before his arrival. And don't forget how useful he has been as a sub. It's a great option to have. Between Lacazette if he signs and if Theo and Alexis stay, not much height there. Wellbeck is decent in the air but misses so much football.

I'm not Giroud's biggest fan and wouldn't be that upset if he left but we would be losing a certain type of threat.

Author:  AmericanGooner [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

I like Giroud...for what he is. I think he gets slated for being something he never was. I think he maximized his skills with us. He was not a big name, he was one of Wenger's roll of a dice. Giroud got the fans ire initially for not being RvP. That's Wenger's fault. Giroud was never going to be able to replace or come anywhere close to being a replacement for RvP. He did the best he could with what God gave him. He was never known for his pace but gets slated for it. I think he turns difficult chances in to goals and as Sabir says as added headed goals to our 'arsenal' of threats. You get him the ball in the 6 yard box on the ground or air and he converts them at a more than decent rate. I would trust Giroud in the box more than any other Arsenal player save Sanchez.

I hope he stays BUT not at the expense of us not buying a top, top striker. We need adequate back up.The fact that Wenger has gone this long without buying a top striker is the real problem and a lot of fans are taking it out on Giroud unfairly.

Author:  Furball [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Sabir wrote:
Furball wrote:

You must have missed the news, Arsene signed a new contract. Thinking we will have a "plan B" is just naive.

Giroud has scored a huge amount of headed goals since he arrived. I've forgotten if he's first or second highest in the headed goals record over the last five years but it's an aspect we severely lacked on before his arrival. And don't forget how useful he has been as a sub. It's a great option to have. Between Lacazette if he signs and if Theo and Alexis stay, not much height there. Wellbeck is decent in the air but misses so much football.

I'm not Giroud's biggest fan and wouldn't be that upset if he left but we would be losing a certain type of threat.

You missed he irony. I am one of the most pro-giroud people on this forum however, for reasons that escape me, we never truly play to his strengths (aka the plan B).

Author:  socrates [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

An Alexis/Aguero sway being touted.

Can't see it myself. At his age, why would Aguero want to swap City for a team not in the CL? Unless he wants to live in London.

Author:  Gaz from Oz [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

socrates wrote:
An Alexis/Aguero sway being touted.

Can't see it myself. At his age, why would Aguero want to swap City for a team not in the CL? Unless he wants to live in London.

He knows that Wenger is as soft as putty and won't criticise him. He has a few medals already and will move into semi retirement.

Author:  Bernard1 [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Bernard wrote:
True Blue Gunner Gooner wrote:
Arsenal will pay $56m for Lacazette
4 yr contract

You've got the symbol for dollars. Do you mean dollars, or euros or pounds? If it's £56m, that seems very expensive. But $56m seems moderately reasonable at approaching £44m. €56m, which is £49m, is obviously around mid-way between the other two prices.

According to Sky Sports it's £56m. So pounds sterling, not euros or US dollars.

EDIT: Elsewhere is says £48.7m, which is the euros option for the higher figure.

Author:  AmericanGooner [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

socrates wrote:
An Alexis/Aguero sway being touted.

Can't see it myself. At his age, why would Aguero want to swap City for a team not in the CL? Unless he wants to live in London.

As you say, I can't see it happening but Sanchez is 28, Aguero is 29. They may be thinking they'd cut him in a year or so anyway. Sanchez is 'fit as a butcher's dog' ( that Brit saying I learned from you lot) as you all say, Aguero is a bit more injury prone.

Author:  old man of hoy [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Gaz from Oz wrote:
socrates wrote:
An Alexis/Aguero sway being touted.

Can't see it myself. At his age, why would Aguero want to swap City for a team not in the CL? Unless he wants to live in London.

He knows that Wenger is as soft as putty and won't criticise him. He has a few medals already and will move into semi retirement.

Author:  Abu [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

AmericanGooner wrote:
I like Giroud...for what he is. I think he gets slated for being something he never was. I think he maximized his skills with us. He was not a big name, he was one of Wenger's roll of a dice. Giroud got the fans ire initially for not being RvP. That's Wenger's fault. Giroud was never going to be able to replace or come anywhere close to being a replacement for RvP. He did the best he could with what God gave him. He was never known for his pace but gets slated for it. I think he turns difficult chances in to goals and as Sabir says as added headed goals to our 'arsenal' of threats. You get him the ball in the 6 yard box on the ground or air and he converts them at a more than decent rate. I would trust Giroud in the box more than any other Arsenal player save Sanchez.

I hope he stays BUT not at the expense of us not buying a top, top striker. We need adequate back up.The fact that Wenger has gone this long without buying a top striker is the real problem and a lot of fans are taking it out on Giroud unfairly.


Author:  Gaz from Oz [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

old man of hoy wrote:
Gaz from Oz wrote:
He knows that Wenger is as soft as putty and won't criticise him. He has a few medals already and will move into semi retirement.

You alright Hoy. Perhaps fell asleep at the keyboard and your nose hit the z button. Its a bugger getting old isn't it?

Author:  Hazuki [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Can’t say I’ve watched Lacazette play much, but he’s averaged 28 goals per season the last four years, and he just turned 26. I for one would be excited to see if he can take the next step at a bigger club in a better league. He’s certainly quick, which is a requirement for us. Giroud is a much better striker than Welbeck, but in my opinion we’re a better team with Welbeck playing up front simply because we need someone with that pace and movement.

Also, rumours from Spain that Mbappes family does not want him to join Real Madrid (yet, one would presume). Still a long shot obviously, but I like that we’re at least still in the race.

Author:  dec [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

socrates wrote:
An Alexis/Aguero sway being touted.

Can't see it myself. At his age, why would Aguero want to swap City for a team not in the CL? Unless he wants to live in London.

It appears that Pep doesn't really want him, for whatever reason. If you look at possible buyers, there are not too many who would put him as first choice, while also being able to afford his wages. Chelsea are going for Lukaku, the big two in Spain are sorted as are Bayern. Juve would be very unlikely with Higuain there. Man Utd would be perfect but for the fact that it would be a City to Utd transfer.

I'd imagine getting a good season behind him as first choice striker is probably more important to him than a season of CL, given that it will be a World Cup year and he is by no means guaranteed a spot in the Argentina side.

I would be very happy if we got Aguero to replace Sanchez, but it is probably very unlikely as these swap deals rarely happen.

Author:  dec [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Hazuki wrote:
Can’t say I’ve watched Lacazette play much, but he’s averaged 28 goals per season the last four years, and he just turned 26. I for one would be excited to see if he can take the next step at a bigger club in a better league. He’s certainly quick, which is a requirement for us. Giroud is a much better striker than Welbeck, but in my opinion we’re a better team with Welbeck playing up front simply because we need someone with that pace and movement.

Also, rumours from Spain that Mbappes family does not want him to join Real Madrid (yet, one would presume). Still a long shot obviously, but I like that we’re at least still in the race.

It's hard to see Mbappe not going to Madrid. If he turns them down now he might not get the chance again. A loan back to Monaco might be how it works out.

Author:  Hazuki [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

dec wrote:
It's hard to see Mbappe not going to Madrid. If he turns them down now he might not get the chance again. A loan back to Monaco might be how it works out.

I think there's a chance he stays with Monaco as well.

Author:  Hazuki [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

So in AG summary, I think Mbappe either joins us, joins Real Madrid, or stays at Monaco. There's also an outside chance that he joins another club.

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