Steve Gleibers Arsenal Forum

Supporters Forum
Page 7414 of 9786

Author:  Lincoln gooner [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

At half time I said we should go on to win, and we should have. But I should have known better.
The penalty was dodgy but after that we only looked like losing. Awful.
But that's the reality now isn't it. Kroenke and Wenger. :20hospitals:

Author:  Rich [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

OK so just watched the highlights and the penalty decision is an absolute scandal, but to be honest I couldnt give a damn, no more complaining about referees, we have a much bigger problem in our own club.

I can't believe this club decided that the BEST manager for us is Wenger, let alone being the best manager for the next 2 seasons.

I completely despair at every decision my club makes at board level, and consequently I find myself disagreeing with every decision made on the football pitch.

How have we got ourselves in this mess. Look at the team today, it is a top 10 team only. Awful football, awful quality.

I honestly think if you sent in a spy with the mission of slowly but surely totally destructing Arsenal FC as a competitive football cub you would struggle to find someone doing a better job than Wenger

Author:  Rich [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Look at this squad, look at it compared to the team who will truly challenge for the title. Remember this is a squad who is paid something like £100m per year more than Spurs squad.

The common denominator has been there for everyone to see for the last 8 bloody horrifying years

So sad how we have allowed ourselves to regress as a club, I see every year of regression as doubled because of the time it will take to get back. The last 8 years have convinced me that I won't see Raenal win a league title for at least another 10 years or unless we get some ridiculous rich owner who dedides to splash the cash over the managers head - and that would be very welcome right now.

There is simply no club in more of a mess than us

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Rich wrote:
Take sanchez and Özil out of the team (which is most of this season) and our squad is a top 10 team only.

I mean really, look at the squad without those two and ask yourself how many of our squad get in any other top 5 team and you will realise how much closer we are to the top 10 challengers than the top 5

Rich even With Sanchez and Özil were a top ten team.

Months ago I said the only interesting thing about this season was going to be predicting when the implosion Would occur.

Just had a text from a mate saying it he watched the game and it's the most bog average side we have had for ages

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Is iwobi good enough to play no10 for arsenal

Are el Nenny and Xhaka good enough to play central midfield for arsenal

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Deeney on BT: "We look at Arsenal now and think: 'We can beat you'. They've got no aura, no fear."

Author:  Rich [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

TOP GUN wrote:
Rich wrote:
Take sanchez and Özil out of the team (which is most of this season) and our squad is a top 10 team only.

I mean really, look at the squad without those two and ask yourself how many of our squad get in any other top 5 team and you will realise how much closer we are to the top 10 challengers than the top 5

Rich even With Sanchez and Özil were a top ten team.

Months ago I said the only interesting thing about this season was going to be predicting when the implosion Would occur.

Just had a text from a mate saying it he watched the game and it's the most bog average side we have had for ages

It is so sad how far we've fallen. Every year we stay with Wenger is another 2 (at least) it takes us to get back near the top.
Look at the squad.
Does Čech get in any of the top teams? no
Do any of our defenders make it in to a title wining team?
Xhaka/Elneny/Ramsey vs any of chelsea/city/man u/spurs CM - no competition
Now lose Özil and Sanches who on paper are class- but have nothing for us this year.

Iwobi/Walcott/Welbeck is the best we can offer behind a central striker.

I don't think I exaggerate saying that this summer I think 75% of the squad is either leaving, out of contact or not good enough for arsenal.

I think we face 10 years in the doldrums. Every year Wenger stays is 2 years spent in the *%^@ after he leaves

Author:  Sabir [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

So sorry to read about your sad news Warrior. My sincere condolences to your family.

Author:  Sabir [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

I don't understand this subbing off Lacazette every game. He's not a baby, just let him play. We handed the initiative to them as soon as we took the pace out of our attack, what's the point of putting on Özil if he has no runners ahead of him? I don't think Elneny is good enough for AFC and to partner him with Xhaka is just a non existent midfield. We were awful to watch....sideways, backwards, nowhere. You just knew that Deeney would score. You just knew we'd regret Iwobi and Özil missing their chances. Start playing our best players ffs.

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Sabir wrote:
I don't understand this subbing off Lacazette every game. He's not a baby, just let him play. We handed the initiative to them as soon as we took the pace out of our attack, what's the point of putting on Özil if he has no runners ahead of him? I don't think Elneny is good enough for AFC and to partner him with Xhaka is just a non existent midfield. We were awful to watch....sideways, backwards, nowhere. You just knew that Deeney would score. You just knew we'd regret Iwobi and Özil missing their chances. Start playing our best players ffs.

On Lacazette it's not the subbing that's the main problem it's that he keeps making good runs behind opposing defences and our central midfielders don't pick him out in preference to continually pass it sideways. He's visibly getting pissed off with it and I hope it doesn't reach a point when he stops making them.

Author:  bubblechris [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Stop your friggin whining ffs. If he'd played Wilts and Ramsey you'd be complaining if they got injured. If he'd played Sanchez and he bummed you'd say he made a wrong decision.

We could have had Klopp as a manager and we'd be bleating about him buyer a player for 30 million to use as a sub. Or we could have Mourinho who played dire football today. What about a manager that can beat Chelsea, would you like him?

AW is on his way out. We all know it or pray for it but you two would be moaning whoever was in charge of the Arsenal.

Author:  Rich [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bubblechris wrote:
Stop your friggin whining ffs. If he'd played Wilts and Ramsey you'd be complaining if they got injured. If he'd played Sanchez and he bummed you'd say he made a wrong decision.

We could have had Klopp as a manager and we'd be bleating about him buyer a player for 30 million to use as a sub. Or we could have Mourinho who played dire football today. What about a manager that can beat Chelsea, would you like him?

AW is on his way out. We all know it or pray for it but you two would be moaning whoever was in charge of the Arsenal.

AW should have gone last summer, we have two more years (minimum!!) of him taking us backwards. This is why people are losing their sh*t
A manager that can beat Chelsea..? pep? Yep I'd take him in a heartbeat over wenger.
Today was so obvious....and get ready for another 10 results like that this season minimum.
People moan about arsenal fans being ungrateful and maiming about results but we moan because all of this is totally unavoidable with progressive and ambitious thinking. We finished 5th last year and the people that matter at our club believe that making £20m profit in the transfer window is the best way to bridging that gap to the top 4, let along challenging for the title

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bubblechris wrote:
Stop your friggin whining ffs. If he'd played Wilts and Ramsey you'd be complaining if they got injured. If he'd played Sanchez and he bummed you'd say he made a wrong decision.

We could have had Klopp as a manager and we'd be bleating about him buyer a player for 30 million to use as a sub. Or we could have Mourinho who played dire football today. What about a manager that can beat Chelsea, would you like him?

AW is on his way out. We all know it or pray for it but you two would be moaning whoever was in charge of the Arsenal.

Totally not true. I thoroughly enjoyed George's Alzheimer's period of management when we played some shocking football and never competed for the league.

I reserve the right to moan about Wenger if I want to. The halfwit is ruining Arsenal

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Rich wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:

Rich even With Sanchez and Özil were a top ten team.

Months ago I said the only interesting thing about this season was going to be predicting when the implosion Would occur.

Just had a text from a mate saying it he watched the game and it's the most bog average side we have had for ages

It is so sad how far we've fallen. Every year we stay with Wenger is another 2 (at least) it takes us to get back near the top.
Look at the squad.
Does Čech get in any of the top teams? no
Do any of our defenders make it in to a title wining team?
Xhaka/Elneny/Ramsey vs any of chelsea/city/man u/spurs CM - no competition
Now lose Özil and Sanches who on paper are class- but have nothing for us this year.

Iwobi/Walcott/Welbeck is the best we can offer behind a central striker.

I don't think I exaggerate saying that this summer I think 75% of the squad is either leaving, out of contact or not good enough for arsenal.

I think we face 10 years in the doldrums. Every year Wenger stays is 2 years spent in the *%^@ after he leaves

Next summer is going be even worse than last. I think people aren't aware of the massive change that is about to occur.

Alexis, Özil and jack will all leave as their contracts are up but the club have another situation in that Ramsey will be a year off his contract renewal and there's no chance he's signing a new contract with us. Then you have the situations with Bellerin and Mustafi who both wanted to leave this summer but weren't sold. Are they going to ask again? But worst of all will be that the will he won't he contract thing starts again as Wenger constantly gets asked if he's staying.

I think your right we will have an extended period in the doldrums. This doesn't get fixed till Wenger goes and it will probably take the new guy a couple of years at least to fix the damage being caused.

Author:  Darren [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

We have a few tricky games coming up. I don’t think it’s beyond the realms of possibility that AW doesn’t last the season if we suffer a few more bad defeats. Ancelotti is available. Would take him like a shot for a couple of years.

Author:  Gaz from Oz [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Interview with AW after Watford
Reporter: Arsene that was a pretty dismissal performance. What can you take out of that.
Arsene : What do you people know about football. Until you have managed as long as me you cannot criticise. What can we take out of it. People complained before the game that we had not scored in any away games in the league this season. Now we have. What more do they want. It is only a small minority of fans who complain. Otherwise everyone is really, really happy.
Reporter: A couple of weeks back you said that you wanted 85 points and that was the aim. Do you think you can achieve this goal.
Arsene: I am sick of these stupid questions. We should get 85 points. Read what I said again. I meant 85 points over the period of my contract - 2 years. Must be a problem with the translation. To put it another way if we can get say 43 points this year and 42 points next year then we will reach our target. The financially doped clubs like Watford and Stoke make it bloody difficult. I mean they have owners who understand football and have actually put money into the club. It is not fair.
Reporter: How many players do you think you will need to buy at the end of the season.
Arsene: None. I have a great squad. The aim is to make a profit. I am confident that we are just a little distance away from an undefeated season.
Reporter: Do you mean in the championship. There are some tough games in that league.

Author:  Gaz from Oz [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Darren wrote:
We have a few tricky games coming up. I don’t think it’s beyond the realms of possibility that AW doesn’t last the season if we suffer a few more bad defeats. Ancelotti is available. Would take him like a shot for a couple of years.

November with Man C away and the following week Spurs at home will be a great opportunity for us to prove ourselves.

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Darren wrote:
We have a few tricky games coming up. I don’t think it’s beyond the realms of possibility that AW doesn’t last the season if we suffer a few more bad defeats. Ancelotti is available. Would take him like a shot for a couple of years.

All I'll say Darren is that the Swansea game on October 28th is going to be critical as that game sits amongst a bunch of tricky league matches during November. We are due to play city, Spurs, united and have a tricky trip to turf moor all to play in the league by Dec 2nd. How many points can you us getting from that lot currently ?

Next Sunday's game againest Everton will be massive

Author:  long time gooner [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

TOP GUN wrote:
Next Sunday's game againest Everton will be massive

Sadly that's not true. It's a routine Premier League fixture between two mediocre mid table teams.

Author:  Bernard1 [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Gaz from Oz wrote:
Interview with AW after Watford
Reporter: Arsene that was a pretty dismissal performance. What can you take out of that.
Arsene : What do you people know about football. Until you have managed as long as me you cannot criticise. What can we take out of it. People complained before the game that we had not scored in any away games in the league this season. Now we have. What more do they want. It is only a small minority of fans who complain. Otherwise everyone is really, really happy.
Reporter: A couple of weeks back you said that you wanted 85 points and that was the aim. Do you think you can achieve this goal.
Arsene: I am sick of these stupid questions. We should get 85 points. Read what I said again. I meant 85 points over the period of my contract - 2 years. Must be a problem with the translation. To put it another way if we can get say 43 points this year and 42 points next year then we will reach our target. The financially doped clubs like Watford and Stoke make it bloody difficult. I mean they have owners who understand football and have actually put money into the club. It is not fair.
Reporter: How many players do you think you will need to buy at the end of the season.
Arsene: None. I have a great squad. The aim is to make a profit. I am confident that we are just a little distance away from an undefeated season.
Reporter: Do you mean in the championship. There are some tough games in that league.

The frightening thing is it wasn't immediately that I became sure it was a mickey take. He's said very similar in past interviews. So even if it didn't ring true as a whole, it was hard to automatically dismiss it as a pure joke.

Author:  Bernard1 [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

long time gooner wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:
Next Sunday's game againest Everton will be massive

Sadly that's not true. It's a routine Premier League fixture between two mediocre mid table teams.

Suppose it's a big game if we both want to finish high enough to qualify for next season's Europa League.

Author:  long time gooner [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Bernard wrote:
long time gooner wrote:
Sadly that's not true. It's a routine Premier League fixture between two mediocre mid table teams.

Suppose it's a big game if we both want to finish high enough to qualify for next season's Europa League.

Ah yes indeed. What else would we do with our Thursday evenings? :20hospitals:

Author:  Rich [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

TOP GUN wrote:
Deeney on BT: "We look at Arsenal now and think: 'We can beat you'. They've got no aura, no fear."

It has been that way for years. Teams with lesser quality look at us and believe if all 11 of their players are up for the fight they can beat us by a sheer will and determination that we won't match

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

long time gooner wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:
Next Sunday's game againest Everton will be massive

Sadly that's not true. It's a routine Premier League fixture between two mediocre mid table teams.

I was referring more to it being important to Wenger and the continual discontent as if we lose again prior to games againest Swansea, city and Spurs the pressure will be bang on him.

But your right our season is absolutely pointless, there is nothing remotely interesting about it apart from our implosions have actually become quite amusing.

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Rich wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:
Deeney on BT: "We look at Arsenal now and think: 'We can beat you'. They've got no aura, no fear."

It has been that way for years. Teams with lesser quality look at us and believe if all 11 of their players are up for the fight they can beat us by a sheer will and determination that we won't match

Actually I think those comments from Deeney are the most damning statement that has been made about arsenes stewardship I can recall. An average player visibly being honest about how they mentally beat arsenal.

Watch Xhaka for the 2nd goal. Stood on the edge of our box, not tracking the goal scorer and feeling no pressure what so ever. The reason for this is Wenger has created a culture at the club that absolves individual players of their responsibility

Author:  Bernard1 [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Darren wrote:
We have a few tricky games coming up. I don’t think it’s beyond the realms of possibility that AW doesn’t last the season if we suffer a few more bad defeats. Ancelotti is available. Would take him like a shot for a couple of years.

Morning Darren. But can you imagine either Wenger breaking his current contract by resigning, or him being sacked by an unambitious owner who seems to accept footballing mediocrity? One of those two things has to happen if Wenger doesn't last the season. I don't see either happening, but which one can you see?

I'd take Ancelotti, but only because he can't be worse than Wenger. When feeling unkind I'd probably say the same about next door's pet dog. :laughing7: I perceive Ancelotti as a great manager in his day, but one who is now well past he's best. Similar in principle to Wenger himself, although Ancelotti is presumably less of a past it has-been because his decline started more recently. Personally I'd prefer an up and coming manager. Apparently Bayern want the bloke at Hoffenheim next summer, so my guess is he's not a realistic candidate.

So how about Marco Silva? I think he could be another Pochetinno in the making, and is doing at Watford what he did at Southampton. Even more so as Southampton is a bigger club than Watford. If it's possible for a manager to come out of a relegation with his reputation enhanced, I think Silva did just that at Hull. They'd lost their best player Snodin (which isn't saying that much about him), and he came bloody close to keeping a group of players up, for whom 'bang average' would be an over-positive exaggeration. Hull are fifteenth in this season's Championship table. I would see Silva as a good candidate, as an up and coming manager.

Author:  Lincoln gooner [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Bernard wrote:
So how about Marco Silva? I think he could be another Pochetinno in the making, and is doing at Watford what he did at Southampton. Even more so as Southampton is a bigger club than Watford. If it's possible for a manager to come out of a relegation with his reputation enhanced, I think Silva did just that at Hull. They'd lost their best player Snodin (which isn't saying that much about him), and he came bloody close to keeping a group of players up, for whom 'bang average' would be an over-positive exaggeration. Hull are fifteenth in this season's Championship table. I would see Silva as a good candidate, as an up and coming manager.

Snodgrass not Snodin Bernard. Weren't there Snodin twins, Ian and Glyn if memory serves me right.
Anyway, Silva would be a perfect fit for our manager in my opinion. We should have got him in the summer.

Author:  Bernard1 [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bromley gooner wrote:
Snodgrass not Snodin Bernard. Weren't there Snodin twins, Ian and Glyn if memory serves me right.
Anyway, Silva would be a perfect fit for our manager in my opinion. We should have got him in the summer.

Yeah, apologies I got the name wrong. Although my point relating to him still stands. There were Snodin brothers. Without looking it up, did one play for Leeds, or maybe both? Everton rings a bell too.

Author:  Gaz from Oz [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Bernard wrote:
Darren wrote:
We have a few tricky games coming up. I don’t think it’s beyond the realms of possibility that AW doesn’t last the season if we suffer a few more bad defeats. Ancelotti is available. Would take him like a shot for a couple of years.

Morning Darren. But can you imagine either Wenger breaking his current contract by resigning, or him being sacked by an unambitious owner who seems to accept footballing mediocrity? One of those two things has to happen if Wenger doesn't last the season. I don't see either happening, but which one can you see?

I'd take Ancelotti, but only because he can't be worse than Wenger. When feeling unkind I'd probably say the same about next door's pet dog. :laughing7: I perceive Ancelotti as a great manager in his day, but one who is now well past he's best. Similar in principle to Wenger himself, although Ancelotti is presumably less of a past it has-been because his decline started more recently. Personally I'd prefer an up and coming manager. Apparently Bayern want the bloke at Hoffenheim next summer, so my guess is he's not a realistic candidate.

So how about Marco Silva? I think he could be another Pochetinno in the making, and is doing at Watford what he did at Southampton. Even more so as Southampton is a bigger club than Watford. If it's possible for a manager to come out of a relegation with his reputation enhanced, I think Silva did just that at Hull. They'd lost their best player Snodin (which isn't saying that much about him), and he came bloody close to keeping a group of players up, for whom 'bang average' would be an over-positive exaggeration. Hull are fifteenth in this season's Championship table. I would see Silva as a good candidate, as an up and coming manager.

I like the look of Silva but handling some big names and personalities is yet to be tested. Still I am not sure there will be many name players left the wa we appear to be headed.

Author:  Decaf [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

long time gooner wrote:
Bernard wrote:
Suppose it's a big game if we both want to finish high enough to qualify for next season's Europa League.

Ah yes indeed. What else would we do with our Thursday evenings? :20hospitals:

If I don't have undergrad marking, perhaps DIY dentistry or one of Kiwis nettle and habaneros treatments, administered anally?

Author:  Rich [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

So no Sanchez and Özil again, I don't think they have both started a game together this season. What was it Wenger said about this situation being 'ideal'?

I think in the long long list of monumental c*ck up decisions made by Wenger, the decision not to sell both of these players this summer is potentially the worst of the lot.

How we can be so tight with our money when signing players but so nonchalant with our money when selling players beggars belief!

Author:  Rich [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Lets look at this squad come the summer of 2018 (which is a world cup summer and one where the transfer window closes early)
Čech - needs replacing pretty soon
Ospina - wants to leave and not good enough to be our No.1

Bellerin - wants to leave
Mertesacker - retiring
Kos - consistent and quality but over 30 an has constant injury niggles that will only get worse
Mustafi - wants to leave and was all but sold this summer
Holding - raw and still has a lot to learn
Chambers - not proven he is good enough for us but has signed a 2 year extension
Monreal - very good, very consistent but still over 30 now
Kolasinac - good early signs and only 24

Xhaka - not done enough to justify his fee, wouldn't start in CM for any other top 6 side
Ramsey - 1 year left on his deal
Coq/Elneny - basically the same player, fine as 5th choice CM but not any closer to the first 11
Cazorla - out of contract
Wilshere - out of contract

Iwobi - decent squad player but not good enough to start regularly for a team with our ambitions
Welbeck - good squad player
Walcott - symbolic of the last 10 years, should have been sold years ago
Özil - out of contract
Sanchez - out of contract

Giroud - good plan B but over 30 now
Lacazette - good signing but severe lack of quality and supply

Nelson and Maitland-Niles from the youth team have shown good promise but shouldn't be relied on to start 38 league games

That is 23 players plus 2 youth players. Look at how many are leaving, don't want to be here and shouldn't be here. It is no exaggeration to say that we need 15 new players next year

Author:  Decaf [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Rich wrote:
So no Sanchez and Özil again, I don't think they have both started a game together this season. What was it Wenger said about this situation being 'ideal'?

I think in the long long list of monumental c*ck up decisions made by Wenger, the decision not to sell both of these players this summer is potentially the worst of the lot.


Author:  bubblechris [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Spurs lucky to win 1-0. Penalty against them in first half not given and their strikers including Kane just poking at shots not putting their boot through them.

Wembley is a lucky place for us , maybe we can turn thins around there once again.

Author:  grantyboy [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

The sound of a record scratching and returning to the start comes to mind. Chance to overtake Chelsea who have shock defeat so Arsenal...well you know the rest.

I wonder if there will be another record thumping in November.

Author:  Decaf [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Rich wrote:
So no Sanchez and Özil again, I don't think they have both started a game together this season. What was it Wenger said about this situation being 'ideal'?

I think in the long long list of monumental c*ck up decisions made by Wenger, the decision not to sell both of these players this summer is potentially the worst of the lot.


Author:  TOP GUN [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Rich wrote:
Lets look at this squad come the summer of 2018 (which is a world cup summer and one where the transfer window closes early)
Čech - needs replacing pretty soon
Ospina - wants to leave and not good enough to be our No.1

Bellerin - wants to leave
Mertesacker - retiring
Kos - consistent and quality but over 30 an has constant injury niggles that will only get worse
Mustafi - wants to leave and was all but sold this summer
Holding - raw and still has a lot to learn
Chambers - not proven he is good enough for us but has signed a 2 year extension
Monreal - very good, very consistent but still over 30 now
Kolasinac - good early signs and only 24

Xhaka - not done enough to justify his fee, wouldn't start in CM for any other top 6 side
Ramsey - 1 year left on his deal
Coq/Elneny - basically the same player, fine as 5th choice CM but not any closer to the first 11
Cazorla - out of contract
Wilshere - out of contract

Iwobi - decent squad player but not good enough to start regularly for a team with our ambitions
Welbeck - good squad player
Walcott - symbolic of the last 10 years, should have been sold years ago
Özil - out of contract
Sanchez - out of contract

Giroud - good plan B but over 30 now
Lacazette - good signing but severe lack of quality and supply

Nelson and Maitland-Niles from the youth team have shown good promise but shouldn't be relied on to start 38 league games

That is 23 players plus 2 youth players. Look at how many are leaving, don't want to be here and shouldn't be here. It is no exaggeration to say that we need 15 new players next year

Good summary

If you just look at the 4 players out of contract who never renew due to the huge signing on fees for free transfers so they are gone plus Mertesacker and Ramsey (the club must be dreading his discussions) then that's 6x absolutely mainstay first team players who are leaving with no transfer fee being recouped for five of them. Surely in the current market that's gonna cost around 200 million to replace them minimum. Can you see us spending that type of cash? Do we even have it?

That's ignoring all the other situations that have been allowed to develop. I think we are going to see more stop gaps like Čech and Monreal for a few more seasons at Arsenal yet as we won't have the ability to deal with all the personnel issues that seem to be developing in one go.

Author:  AmericanGooner [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Saw this on the net:
The three certainties in life:
Death, Taxes, Petr Čech not saving penalties for Arsenal.

Supposedly Čech has never saved a penalty as an Arsenal player. Really?

Author:  AmericanGooner [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Rich wrote:
Take sanchez and Özil out of the team (which is most of this season) and our squad is a top 10 team only.

I mean really, look at the squad without those two and ask yourself how many of our squad get in any other top 5 team and you will realise how much closer we are to the top 10 challengers than the top 5

Maybe that's why Wenger saw keeping them as his biggest priority over the summer.

Author:  TOP GUN [ Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Goonie wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:

Good summary

If you just look at the 4 players out of contract who never renew due to the huge signing on fees for free transfers so they are gone plus Mertesacker and Ramsey (the club must be dreading his discussions) then that's 6x absolutely mainstay first team players who are leaving with no transfer fee being recouped for five of them. Surely in the current market that's gonna cost around 200 million to replace them minimum. Can you see us spending that type of cash? Do we even have it?

That's ignoring all the other situations that have been allowed to develop. I think we are going to see more stop gaps like Čech and Monreal for a few more seasons at Arsenal yet as we won't have the ability to deal with all the personnel issues that seem to be developing in one go.

We are going to lose very good players. But we will still have good players and a decent squad. Augment the squad with another Lacazette-like and Kolasinac-like signings in Jan and then again in the summer and on paper we will have a squad capable of at least a top four finish next season. ..

I'm sorry can't agree mate. Our squad isn't decent and removing Lacazette and Kolasinac and Iwobi I can't see many of the rest being at Arsenal for an extended period.

The el Nenny Xhaka axis is the worst central midfield pairing we've had since hillier and Ian Selley. In fact there isn't a single combination of our midfielders in the centre that does work and this is where we are going wrong. We have really missed cazorla over the last 2 seasons

The performance yesterday highlighted how many average players we have if anything to me

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