Steve Gleibers Arsenal Forum

Supporters Forum
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Author:  Niall [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

but Sanchez giving the ball back needlessly would have coaches spitting blood.

Which is the key point of course but hey its a game of opinions :)

Author:  Bernard1 [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Darren wrote:
I thought the goal was Monreal's fault. First rule of being a full back is to show the winger onto his weaker foot. Monreal doesn't even put any real pressure on Downing. However clearly not on the level of Clichy's downright (and probably illegal) stupidity against Tottenham in the 4-4 but not good enough regardless. Kos didn't cover himself in glory either positionally but Sanchez giving the ball back needlessly would have coaches spitting blood.

Niall here, borrowing Bernard's computer. Another Arsenal player gave the ball away less than half an hour before Clichy slipped, so in no way can Gael be held responsible for that goal.

Author:  Niall [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Bernard wrote:
Darren wrote:
I thought the goal was Monreal's fault. First rule of being a full back is to show the winger onto his weaker foot. Monreal doesn't even put any real pressure on Downing. However clearly not on the level of Clichy's downright (and probably illegal) stupidity against Tottenham in the 4-4 but not good enough regardless. Kos didn't cover himself in glory either positionally but Sanchez giving the ball back needlessly would have coaches spitting blood.

Niall here, borrowing Bernard's computer. Another Arsenal player gave the ball away less than half an hour before Clichy slipped, so in no way can Gael be held responsible for that goal.

Even wrong ones!

Author:  Darren [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

socrates wrote:
Darren wrote:
I thought the goal was Monreal's fault. First rule of being a full back is to show the winger onto his weaker foot. Monreal doesn't even put any real pressure on Downing. However clearly not on the level of Clichy's downright (and probably illegal) stupidity against Tottenham in the 4-4 but not good enough regardless. Kos didn't cover himself in glory either positionally but Sanchez giving the ball back needlessly would have coaches spitting blood.

Morning Darren,

I thought the goal was a combination of several individual errors that was indicative of how shite we are defensively these days. Sanchez gave the ball away carelessly but he was high up the pitch and 'boro still had plenty to do. Our defending after the initial error was hopeless.

In all honesty our defending of set pieces was again embarassing and had 'boro been a little more clinical/lucky with some of the knock downs that fell to them in our box we could easily have been staring at a draw or a defeat today.

I thought Ox was very good in that wingback role and Holding did OK. Čech made some decent saves but generally we were pretty much what we have been all season, mediocre. Loads of possession but not much to show for it.

Morning Soc.

Yeah, last night was an exercise in papering over cracks. We are poor at the moment, no doubting it. Honestly, I don't care for many in this squad right now but I do have a soft spot for Ox and seeing as Holding is so shiny and new, he gets a bye too. Other than that, the rest can *%^@ off for all I care.

Author:  bubblechris [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Bugga UK General Election on 8th June.....

Author:  TOP GUN [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Oh bollocks...... the fake news will start almost immediately

Teresa wants to wipe out labour (and will)

.... hmm who should I vote for because it won't be that loon Jezza.

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

One question answered today at least.

Wenger will outlast Corbyn.

Author:  TOP GUN [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

So many parallels between the Arsenal situation and UK politics.

Personal aspirations, ego and re numeration being pursued to the detriment of the actual cause.

Wenger out
Corbyn out

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Easy for me as only Lib Dem can defeat Tory in my constituency. And probably will.

Author:  bubblechris [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Really screwed me up. I've always voted Labour. I have always in the past been pro Europe.

As a leave voter mainly because of the direction the EU command is going, I will have no choice but to vote Tory.

What will the Tory remainers do and who will thery vote for?

Will we see the setting up of a pro European coalition?

God it's such a mess........................

Author:  bubblechris [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Daz wrote:
Easy for me as only Lib Dem can defeat Tory in my constituency. And probably will.

Are you sure? I'm hearing a lot of Labour voters saying they will vote Tory.

Personally I think the vote will be about Brexit and Brexit alone. Fallon, Lib Dem leader, has already said that.

Author:  TOP GUN [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bubblechris wrote:
Really screwed me up. I've always voted Labour. I have always in the past been pro Europe.

As a leave voter mainly because of the direction the EU command is going, I will have no choice but to vote Tory.

What will the Tory remainers do and who will thery vote for?

Will we see the setting up of a pro European coalition?

God it's such a mess........................

Tory remainers will still vote Tory I'd have thought. I'm in a simailar boat, I've never voted Tory but can't abide by Corbyn and if you are voting for who should be the most suitable government surely it's a conservative vote ?

I might not vote at all. *%^@ it

Brexit is done, a decision has been made people need to move forward and vote for who will form the best government not a decision that has been made.

Author:  bubblechris [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

TG it's not done that's why she called the GE. As soon as details of negotiation come to light the remoaners will be up in arms over and over again.

May will get a massive majority as all Brexiters will vote for her whereas the remainers will be at loggerheads and all seeking power. Only if they all joint together as a remain party can they win an election imo.

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

bubblechris wrote:
Daz wrote:
Easy for me as only Lib Dem can defeat Tory in my constituency. And probably will.

Are you sure? I'm hearing a lot of Labour voters saying they will vote Tory.

Personally I think the vote will be about Brexit and Brexit alone. Fallon, Lib Dem leader, has already said that.

Which is why in my constituency the Tory will probably lose. Not many Labour voters, tiny majority, and massively pro-remain. Even the current Tory MP is pretty liberal but I doubt it will help her.

Author:  Decaf [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

TOP GUN wrote:
bubblechris wrote:
Really screwed me up. I've always voted Labour. I have always in the past been pro Europe.

As a leave voter mainly because of the direction the EU command is going, I will have no choice but to vote Tory.

What will the Tory remainers do and who will thery vote for?

Will we see the setting up of a pro European coalition?

God it's such a mess........................

Tory remainers will still vote Tory I'd have thought. I'm in a simailar boat, I've never voted Tory but can't abide by Corbyn and if you are voting for who should be the most suitable government surely it's a conservative vote ?

I might not vote at all. *%^@ it

Brexit is done, a decision has been made people need to move forward and vote for who will form the best government not a decision that has been made.

How could you vote Tory???

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

If the Labour Party were not led by a dim-witted incompetent this would become a tricky election for the Tories. If Corbyn had any decency he would stand down given that his current poll position of 23% is almost identical to the Tory lead in the polls. But he won't, he will facilitate a Tory landslide and then blame everybody else.

It's so *%^@*** depressingly familiar.

Author:  Darren [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Decaf wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:

Tory remainers will still vote Tory I'd have thought. I'm in a simailar boat, I've never voted Tory but can't abide by Corbyn and if you are voting for who should be the most suitable government surely it's a conservative vote ?

I might not vote at all. *%^@ it

Brexit is done, a decision has been made people need to move forward and vote for who will form the best government, not a decision that has been made.

How could you vote Tory???

Exactly. Tories are absolute, ruthless, brutal, self-serving, heartless *%^@. But they are very good at being able to win elections.

I'm a Labour party member, have canvassed for my MP during the last election but cannot abide Corbyn. I think his ineffective, downright complicity in the Brexit shambles has finished him in the eyes of many. He is weak and not a man who can reach out to the

Don't agree Brexit is done. The devil is in the detail and am sure it will unravel, whether it's now, in 5 years or whenever. It's a stitch up by eurosceptic elites dressing is the working man's solution. They have blamed the EU for the policy failures of their own doing and people have swallowed it.

Author:  TOP GUN [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Decaf wrote:
TOP GUN wrote:

Tory remainers will still vote Tory I'd have thought. I'm in a simailar boat, I've never voted Tory but can't abide by Corbyn and if you are voting for who should be the most suitable government surely it's a conservative vote ?

I might not vote at all. *%^@ it

Brexit is done, a decision has been made people need to move forward and vote for who will form the best government not a decision that has been made.

How could you vote Tory???

If your voting for the most suitable government then aren't they it ? Be honest

This is the dilemma.

I despise the way they have let their own party's disputes affect the country but don't we need to move forward.

Vote to put Corbyn in charge of the economy ? really

Author:  Northbank Memories [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Interesting depending on what side of fence you're on. With GE coming up. ... nservative

Author:  DHD [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Since I was enfranchised, I have never missed an opportunity to exercise my right to vote. I have voted at every single general election, bye-election, local election and referendum to which I have been entitled.

Even though my vote has often counted for little or nothing due to the political hue of my constituency, I have always voted and my vote has always been cast for Labour. However something will change on June 8th.

Author:  DHD [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

The daft thing is that the SNP could conceivably become the Official Opposition. In fact if they fielded a candidate in my constituency, I’d probably vote for them.

At least they properly oppose on the issue that the UK electorate considers is the central issue.

Author:  Decaf [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Labour isn't going to win (absent Jesus intervening). So voting Tory is voting for a Tory landslide. Hey, but go ahead. Im sure the Trump democrats, Thatcher labour, Reagan democrats, etc have no regrets about cutting off their noses to spite their faces either.

Author:  TOP GUN [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Decaf wrote:
Labour isn't going to win (absent Jesus intervening). So voting Tory is voting for a Tory landslide. Hey, but go ahead. Im sure the Trump democrats, Thatcher labour, Reagan democrats, etc have no regrets about cutting off their noses to spite their faces either.

Well your making a very decent point here Decaf. Many tory supporters would NEVER vote labour if they were unhappy with its leadership and your more traditional labour voters are more open minded.

I won't vote for Corbyn he would be a disaster and also critically he hasn't earnt my vote at all. He's a prat of the highest possible Wengery order

Therefore it's lib dems, green or the new re iteration of the Nazi party that farage and Arron banks have put together. I'm not voting for any of that lot

Therefore what do I do ? Not vote? Well frankly I've never done that even like DHD My vote is often worthlesss due the place I live in.


Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Not a huge fan of the EU in general which I think is an undemocratic technocracy and had it not clearly been a referendum based on lies and racism I might have spent more time considering my options. Nonetheless, it became clear that voting to leave would hand a huge victory to the far-right that I think anybody with any progressive values had to choose sides very quickly. Since then, I would agree with Darren that Corbyn's stance which is both incoherent and politically insane has made him even less electable even though Labour's manifesto is no more extreme than it was under Miliband. The man is simply an incompetent, many of his supporters idiotic ideologues and I would not trust them to run the country for a moment - it would end in something far worse than we have now and a huge defeat for progressive or socialist values. I'm glad I can vote anti-Tory without having to vote for the utter shambles that is the Labour Party right now and only hope Jeremy is less stubborn than Wenger when it comes to his options following a defeat which could leave them with under 100 MPs.

Author:  old man of hoy [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Daz wrote:
I know Hoy has retreated to purse his lips in disapproval at all the negativity after the Palace defeat but I'm sure he would want me to point out in absentia that only one person can be held responsible for the Boro goal last night.
Have been thankfully diverted away from this footballing nut-house for a week or so by celebrating my son's wedding to a beautiful young lady and then going to The Oval to watch Chanderpaul and Sangakkara. All pleasant stuff. All positive feelings. All so much more enjoyable for an older man than riding the nastyish Carousel of Whine of this particular funfair. You are right though - it was Gordon Brown's fault and always will be. I like him though.

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

By the way if you want to know where that despicable lying *%^@ Farage is now he is currently showing off the juvenile endangered bluefin tuna he hauled out of the Adriatic on Twitter (fishing outside British waters tut tut). I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of his stupid racist face on telly over the coming months in spite of him having stood in seven UK parliamentary elections and failing every time.

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

old man of hoy wrote:
Carousel of Whine

Like it.

Emotionally Wenger's Arsenal is a little like when you get in a dodgem as a kid, can't get it to start and watch in dismay at the fun all the rest of them are having.

Author:  old man of hoy [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Daz wrote:
Not a huge fan of the EU in general which I think is an undemocratic technocracy and had it not clearly been a referendum based on lies and racism I might have spent more time considering my options. Nonetheless, it became clear that voting to leave would hand a huge victory to the far-right that I think anybody with any progressive values had to choose sides very quickly. Since then, I would agree with Darren that Corbyn's stance which is both incoherent and politically insane has made him even less electable even though Labour's manifesto is no more extreme than it was under Miliband. The man is simply an incompetent, many of his supporters idiotic ideologues and I would not trust them to run the country for a moment - it would end in something far worse than we have now and a huge defeat for progressive or socialist values. I'm glad I can vote anti-Tory without having to vote for the utter shambles that is the Labour Party right now and only hope Jeremy is less stubborn than Wenger when it comes to his options following a defeat which could leave them with under 100 MPs.

Where's George Lansbury when you need him?

Author:  old man of hoy [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Daz wrote:
old man of hoy wrote:
Carousel of Whine

Like it.

Emotionally Wenger's Arsenal is a little like when you get in a dodgem as a kid, can't get it to start and watch in dismay at the fun all the rest of them are having.
And then some bloke with greased back hair and tattoos on his enormous arms jumps on the back of your dodgem and takes your girl away. At such a time we all need solace. I give you:

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

old man of hoy wrote:
Daz wrote:
Not a huge fan of the EU in general which I think is an undemocratic technocracy and had it not clearly been a referendum based on lies and racism I might have spent more time considering my options. Nonetheless, it became clear that voting to leave would hand a huge victory to the far-right that I think anybody with any progressive values had to choose sides very quickly. Since then, I would agree with Darren that Corbyn's stance which is both incoherent and politically insane has made him even less electable even though Labour's manifesto is no more extreme than it was under Miliband. The man is simply an incompetent, many of his supporters idiotic ideologues and I would not trust them to run the country for a moment - it would end in something far worse than we have now and a huge defeat for progressive or socialist values. I'm glad I can vote anti-Tory without having to vote for the utter shambles that is the Labour Party right now and only hope Jeremy is less stubborn than Wenger when it comes to his options following a defeat which could leave them with under 100 MPs.

Where's George Lansbury when you need him?

Not sure Corbyn even has a conscience to hawk around.

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

old man of hoy wrote:
Daz wrote:

Like it.

Emotionally Wenger's Arsenal is a little like when you get in a dodgem as a kid, can't get it to start and watch in dismay at the fun all the rest of them are having.
And then some bloke with greased back hair and tattoos on his enormous arms jumps on the back of your dodgem and takes your girl away. At such a time we all need solace. I give you:

He looks a bit like Gram Parsons in that video.

Author:  DHD [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

The whole Tory v Labour thing is different this time.

The Tory Party will promote a Brexit policy that will be as hard as it needs to be – and the EU will ensure that it will be as flinty as they can make it. Essentially, we’re in for a contentious, fractious and painful Brexit. Particularly in the South, a lot of lifelong Tories will not vote for that strategy and many will actively oppose it.

The Labour Party will also canvass on a Brexit policy; they’ll portray it in a more conciliatory way but particularly amongst the leadership, Labour are just as committed to Brexit as the Tories. There aren’t that many Labour strongholds in the South but that won’t be a popular view in any of them and many traditional Labour supporters won’t vote for it.

I think this coming election could essentially re-run the referendum regardless of the sitting MP’s political allegiance. All that’s needed is a convincing and organised opposition to Brexit and millions will vote for it. Prepare for some opportunistic policy shifts and splinter groups - and I don’t rule out a new party or one-policy coalition. All will become clear in the coming weeks but in the meantime, the normal chaos will continue.

Welcome to Gooner-world!

Author:  DHD [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Daz wrote:
old man of hoy wrote:
And then some bloke with greased back hair and tattoos on his enormous arms jumps on the back of your dodgem and takes your girl away. At such a time we all need solace. I give you:

He looks a bit like Gram Parsons in that video.

Gram Parsons, John Peel (d'ye ken) and Charlie Chaplin. What have they in common?

Author:  old man of hoy [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

DHD wrote:
Daz wrote:

He looks a bit like Gram Parsons in that video.

Gram Parsons, John Peel (d'ye ken) and Charlie Chaplin. What have they in common?
Wenger Out?

Author:  old man of hoy [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

This is a nice one.

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

DHD wrote:
The whole Tory v Labour thing is different this time.

The Tory Party will promote a Brexit policy that will be as hard as it needs to be – and the EU will ensure that it will be as flinty as they can make it. Essentially, we’re in for a contentious, fractious and painful Brexit. Particularly in the South, a lot of lifelong Tories will not vote for that strategy and many will actively oppose it.

The Labour Party will also canvass on a Brexit policy; they’ll portray it in a more conciliatory way but particularly amongst the leadership, Labour are just as committed to Brexit as the Tories. There aren’t that many Labour strongholds in the South but that won’t be a popular view in any of them and many traditional Labour supporters won’t vote for it.

I think this coming election could essentially re-run the referendum regardless of the sitting MP’s political allegiance. All that’s needed is a convincing and organised opposition to Brexit and millions will vote for it. Prepare for some opportunistic policy shifts and splinter groups - and I don’t rule out a new party or one-policy coalition. All will become clear in the coming weeks but in the meantime, the normal chaos will continue.

Welcome to Gooner-world!

I was discussing this with a political analyst a while back. Essentially I think pro-remain voters will punish a leave MP far harder than pro-leave will punish remain MPs with whom they otherwise agree or for whom they traditionally vote. Hence Zac Goldsmith in Richmond and UKIP failing to take Stoke. So it would be easier to be Remain in a northern working class constituency than it would be to be Leave in an affluent highly educated moderate constituency. This will favour any opposition party that takes an unambiguous anti-Brexit stance and if Corbyn had any political nous he would exploit that as the Lib Dems certainly will. The idea that Labour would be in bind if it opposed Brexit in its working class strongholds is not actually born out by much evidence so far. The worst thing will be to do what Corbyn will do and remain utterly incoherent on the issue because then he will be despised by both sides.

Author:  DHD [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

old man of hoy wrote:

so's this


Author:  DHD [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Daz wrote:
DHD wrote:
The whole Tory v Labour thing is different this time.

The Tory Party will promote a Brexit policy that will be as hard as it needs to be – and the EU will ensure that it will be as flinty as they can make it. Essentially, we’re in for a contentious, fractious and painful Brexit. Particularly in the South, a lot of lifelong Tories will not vote for that strategy and many will actively oppose it.

The Labour Party will also canvass on a Brexit policy; they’ll portray it in a more conciliatory way but particularly amongst the leadership, Labour are just as committed to Brexit as the Tories. There aren’t that many Labour strongholds in the South but that won’t be a popular view in any of them and many traditional Labour supporters won’t vote for it.

I think this coming election could essentially re-run the referendum regardless of the sitting MP’s political allegiance. All that’s needed is a convincing and organised opposition to Brexit and millions will vote for it. Prepare for some opportunistic policy shifts and splinter groups - and I don’t rule out a new party or one-policy coalition. All will become clear in the coming weeks but in the meantime, the normal chaos will continue.

Welcome to Gooner-world!

I was discussing this with a political analyst a while back. Essentially I think pro-remain voters will punish a leave MP far harder than pro-leave will punish remain MPs with whom they otherwise agree or for whom they traditionally vote. Hence Zac Goldsmith in Richmond and UKIP failing to take Stoke. So it would be easier to be Remain in a northern working class constituency than it would be to be Leave in an affluent highly educated moderate constituency. This will favour any opposition party that takes an unambiguous anti-Brexit stance and if Corbyn had any political nous he would exploit that as the Lib Dems certainly will. The idea that Labour would be in bind if it opposed Brexit in its working class strongholds is not actually born out by much evidence so far. The worst thing will be to do what Corbyn will do and remain utterly incoherent on the issue because then he will be despised by both sides.

I can see a one-policy anti-Brexit party cleaning up. By default, they'd start with 48% of the electorate.

Author:  Daz [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

DHD wrote:

I can see a one-policy anti-Brexit party cleaning up. By default, they'd start with 48% of the electorate.

Problem remains the electoral system and willingness of electorate to vote tactically. I will certainly vote Lib Dem where I live and I suspect Tory/Lib Dem marginals like mine are the most vulnerable but the problem for the Lib Dems is there aren't enough of these seats. The real unknown is where the anti-Corbyn Labour vote will go - in many places it will go to the Tories now UKIP not much of a threat. But he could actually be at risk in his own constituency if the Lib Dems made him and his closet Brexitism the issue's gonna be quite interesting albeit probably very depressing.

Author:  Decaf [ Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Supporters Forum

Daz wrote:
old man of hoy wrote:
Where's George Lansbury when you need him?

Not sure Corbyn even has a conscience to hawk around.

Consciences are rare birds in modern politics, if not extinct. And Corbyn strikes me as far less opportunistic than his rivals. Stubborn, even.

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